The fall of human society has not occurred overnight.  It has taken many centuries, many millennia in fact, for the Divine potentials and inherent genius of the human being to degrade into the modern condition. We are still Divine and still inherently genius by nature, but those two words are central to this fact.  Because we deny nature to the point of global pollution and the destruction of our own bodies, our spirituality and intelligence dwindle proportionally.  We may regain both of these qualities in full, by simply observing and living in accord with natural laws.

In observing the modern condition, a great many people have drawn the false conclusion that the human is a chaotic or “sinful” animal, one that is naturally prone to wrong doing by virtue of a flawed inner design.  This is perhaps easy to assume given our state of interaction with one another.  The point that is missed in this belief is that the chaos of the modern human being is the result of a wrong mental focus upon unnatural aims, not the fault of nature itself.  We lack the discipline of right focus and the realization of better and higher ways, which were at least partially known by our own ancestors. 

Because we assume that the neighbors cannot be trusted, that the passer-by is probably a thief or murderer and that humans are evil beings, society has created a very complex legal system.  That system is supposedly the only barrier to total chaos and a breakdown of “civilization.”  Without harsh, externally created penalties and a massive law enforcement budget to impose them, it is assumed that our own lack of internal discipline will end in an immediate collapse of civil order.  Chaos would definitely ensue if law enforcement did not exist, but as a reaction to the severe suppression imposed by that system for so many decades.  For this reason large fines and terms of imprisonment for even minor offenses continue to increase, while new prisons are being rapidly built to contain all the “criminals.”  Everyone talks of crime being on the rise, without ever stopping to wonder what the essential cause of it is.  There are many theories about economic, family or educational factors contributing to rising crime rates, yet regardless of established theories no one has yet pinpointed the cause of civil unrest.  The cause of our ills is our own self-imposed stress more than any other factor.  Even normally docile animals will peck or scratch each other apart when placed in overcrowded, unnatural conditions, especially when they are forced into activities which are contrary to natural designs.  In a zoo, even a tiger or elephant often loses its spiritedness or the will to live.  Although we are intelligent animals by nature, our ability to absorb stress is still limited, and is made even less so by our social zoo and its bizarre activities.

Because we have missed the point about so called anti-social behavior, our legal and law enforcement efforts can only struggle to cope with the symptoms of collective stress.  The effects of wrong living and an inappropriate materialistic focus are upon us, and only getting worse.  These effects simply will not go away until we change our individual and collective focus.  Any inquiries to the contrary are just worthless smoke in the wind.          

We can see that humanity struggles immensely under the pressure of its own ill-directed deliberations.  The modern court and parent is on the average, no closer in clearly defining what is appropriate social behavior, nor how this behavior may be achieved, then they ever were.  We hear much talk of morality but regardless of the rules and regulations set forth by government and church, people still act with increasing malice and chaos.  This fact is not due to any internal human flaw, it is the result of poor judgement.  Why do we have poor judgement you may ask?  Poor judgement in the modern human is not created by an in-born neurological or spiritual deficit.  It exists because of an essential dishonesty on the part of society.  From society we learn to adopt this dishonesty and confusion ourselves.  Society is not acknowledging reality.  We are too busy acting out a set of tragic lies that are extremely destructive to anyone who believes in them.  For how can a person be clear about their own perceptions and about their own minds, when they entertain inherently contradictory ideas?  How can a person remain sane, when the falsehoods of the media and of the cult of materialism tells them that life is about money?  Life is not about money, the “things” it can buy or the superficial status it supposedly grants.  Life has its own purposes, principles and laws, which are far greater in scope than trivialities like investment portfolios, “a new and improved look” and “on approved credit” schemes.

The irony behind the immense struggle of the modern world to invent the most effective laws or enforcement agencies, is that highly effective natural laws already exist.  These laws or principles don’t need to be reinvented, improved upon or legislated.  Natural laws are also spiritual laws, and have existed well before humanity was even a glimmer in the cosmic eye. They will continue to exist long after our modern “civilization” is forgotten dust.  We need not trouble ourselves to any great depth with the puny concepts of human laws, or the artificial ideas of living that abound in the market place.  These are small and insignificant compared to the essence, content and result of natural laws.  For this reason each of us must free ourselves from the false and incredibly destructive idea that human- made laws are the highest code we can live by.  They are not.  Human laws are limited by the scope of current human consciousness.  In a spiritually primitive age such as this, the legal system is still a barbaric attempt at social order through suppression, coercion and intimidation.  Its reasoning is based on the primary theme that brute force is the only acceptable way to deal with the public, and that fear is the only emotion worth cultivating as a “preventive measure”.  The fear of punishment does not prevent crime or social disorder; it only creates further hysteria and more sophisticated criminals.  As a matter of fact, fear is itself primarily responsible for ignorance and unnaturalness at all levels of society.  Because we fear our whole orientation is the insecure accumulation of unneeded goods.  Fearful animals do exactly the same thing; they stockpile their food reserves beyond normal limits, and add extra fat to their bodies to ward off the feeling of impending crisis.  In our fear we lock away huge portions of the population in prisons, very much like a psychotic mind locks away certain dark thoughts in the subconscious so it wont have to deal with their implications.  In our fear we have advanced security systems, a huge and aggressive military “to protect our national interests” and a multi-billion dollar paramilitary “law enforcement” system.  We seek to subdue the peoples of other nations, our bodies, our own citizens and nature in general, out of the suspicion that any of these may rebel at any time. Our system seeks domination and control just as a bully does, and when we look inside the head of a bully we find the most fearful person of all.  Our fear can only go away when we again value what is real and what is natural.  Only then can love and clarity again rise to become the standards for modern living in a sane world.

The ever-pressing need of the public is to regain its own dignity and autonomy.  Even a brief review of history demonstrates that this has been our need throughout the centuries.  The past shows us the patterns of oppression and ignorance that have reduced whole populations to the level of the barbaric.  Those who have been oppressed have often risen up in revolt, freeing themselves from the yoke of some overload or corrupt government, only to find that their own leaders had become equally corrupt.  Today the public is again oppressed and fascinated with the absurd, (television programming) yet unlike many of the peoples of history, often does not realize it is being manipulated or oppressed.  The crude attempts of ancient tyrants to control the masses by brute force, has become the subtle modern artform of propaganda and conditioning through “education”. Today, people are made to love their servitude and to shout political slogans not their own.  This they do because of a hypnotically planted wish to serve the orders given by televised programming.

Although history has seen many social and political revolutions, there have been only a few truly revolutionary advances in human culture.  Revolution is after all, only half of the equation that results in freedom.  The other half is the complete adherence to the natural, spiritual Order that already exists.  Revolution tends to break down existing systems of thought and politics, but does not necessarily replace them effectively with superior methods.  It is not enough to merely destroy corruption; it must be immediately replaced with a more enlightened focus that serves the needs of the people today.  Anarchy must become spiritual progress. Only in this way can revolution also become evolution.  We cannot evolve unless we question everything including our own government, man made laws, and social assumptions.  We must be willing to follow our own perceptions of truth regardless of common opinion, and know that there are higher laws than those created by society.  Higher laws are natural laws, such as those of God and Nature.  It is important to know that just because someone in a suit and tie makes up a law, [and then hires a badge to “enforce” it (force it)] does not mean that law is valid, correct, logical or appropriate.  The intelligent person knows that human-made laws are often foolish, as are the agencies that apparently enjoy force-feeding them to us.  Our revolution must be a matter of personal clarity, based upon our own experience of the higher order found in the cosmos.  Then we will not only have questioned “Why?” and found society lacking, but will have replaced that system with the real standards of nature.

Clearly, natural laws must replace human-made laws as the primary mode of modern society.  Three such laws or principles of nature have thus far been mentioned as 1) simplicity, 2) practicality, and 3) efficiency.  Six additional natural laws should also be described as follows: 4) Truth (or truthful living), 5) prioritization, 6) progressiveness, 7) honesty, 8) logic and 9) spiritual intent.  The value of the first three above is self-evident.  The mind that values simplicity is simply not distracted by the superficial and unnecessarily complex modes of modern living.  The practical person focuses primarily upon “that which works” or in other words that which produces the very best results via the best means.  Those who value efficiency do not waste their energy needlessly.  Instead they apply themselves to those actions and methods which render results with a minimum of effort.  We can observe that nature operates in large part by virtue of these principles or laws in a very effective manner.  When applying them within the context of our daily affairs, life becomes equally effective and a majority of the ills that befall the modern person are then automatically avoided.  When an individual approaches living in a way that is simultaneously simple, practical and efficient, their perceptions change.  For them society begins to take on the appearance of the ridiculous, functioning as it does on behalf of egocentric goals.  In other words, through right and natural living we begin to accurately perceive the state of the world.  At the same time the revolutionary also begins to more clearly perceive themselves as a soul, as a being with much higher purposes than those of the material world alone, setting the stage for the comprehension and action upon the other six laws described below. Each of these strongly deserves detailed emphasis;


What is TRUTH, and how can we live truthfully until we know what it is?  Some people talk about “having your own truth” or that the Truth changes with time and culture.  This attitude is reflected in the question, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, then does it really make a sound?”  It does not take a genius to realize that as an inevitable result of physical action, audible waves are produced in the atmosphere.  When any tree falls it always makes a sound due to its impact with the Earth.  The implication hidden in the question is that reality somehow hinges upon human perception.  The fact is we may perceive different aspects of Truth while in different states of consciousness, but this does not alter universal laws.  Sound is sound regardless of whether or not it is heard.  The laws of nature do not bend themselves to serve human whims and it is folly to assume they will.  For this reason humanity must realize that life is conditional, and that we may not do whatever we please without suffering very real consequences for our actions.

The conditions of life are set forth by natural laws.  Each of us must recognize these or find that disease, discomfort, confusion and disaster undermine our efforts. Life and existence are based on certain constants that are always and universally true.  Natural laws are true for everyone just as natural living, by the same token, is the truest and best lifestyle.  If Truth were relative to the personal views of every human being, there would be so much contradiction and chaos on this planet, (given the modern mindset) that existence itself would be impossible.  Fortunately Nature/God does not change Itself just for our convenience or amusement.  Truth exists regardless of whether or not we “hear it fall in the forest” and it will continue to do so long after we have either evolved to another form, or created some unique form of self-destruction.

Truthful living involves recognizing natural laws and patterning one’s life after them.  To recognize Truth we must find what is common to all religions, all governments, all people, and in fact all life.  Truth is universal and consistent.  If a statement does not apply to all people at all times, then it is not THE TRUTH and is therefore not worthy of our highest prioritization.  To determine the nature of TRUTH then, simply ask if a presented idea, system or conclusion is universally applicable.  If it is always consistent in all cases then adopt it. If it is not universal then don’t live your life by it.  It is very evident that the assumptions and conclusions of modern society, based primarily upon money and false images, represents that which is not TRUE.  Reject society and you will not be led astray.  On the other hand, nature functions through universal laws that are always effective.  Follow nature and you can’t go wrong; the ways of the natural are tried, tested and proven correct.  Our very existence and capability is testimony to this fact.  Make truthful living your surest guide to real personal success, with Truth itself as the guiding light for each day that passes.


The ability to prioritize successfully depends upon knowledge of the relative importance of things as nature defines them.  In society we hear this word used in the context of the business or moneymaking world.  As a principle of natural law, prioritization is the emphasis placed upon certain evolutionary goals and their accomplishment.  These goals have nothing to do with financial status. Their entire focus is the development and support of life of which we are a part.  When we prioritize as nature does, we adopt the goals of all living systems as our own foremost focus.  To value life and its improvement is to value natural priorities.  On a personal basis this means we view as important our own physical and mental health, the quality of the world environment, evolutionary international and domestic relations and spiritual advancement.  To survive as a species we absolutely must change our values, which is another way of saying that we must shift our priorities.  To find real growth and satisfaction as individuals, we need a change of lifestyle to reflect what is of true value to us.  This is why natural living is the only lasting solution to the modern condition.


The term “progress” has an entirely different meaning in the context of nature than it does in society.  Modern humanity uses the word “progress” to refer to greater technological understanding and methods.  It apparently does not matter that this so-called “progress” comes at any cost, including the wholesale loss of life, health, happiness and sanity.  It refers simply to the fact that the corporate owners of the world are now made more capable of enslaving the masses, and indulging a bottomless greed through industrialized means.  In nature the law of progressiveness includes that which enriches the diversification, intelligence and ability of living systems to grow and become more than they were.  In short, it refers to that which is evolutionary in both a physical and spiritual sense.  To be truly progressive we must adopt nature and its laws as the basic template for social organization.  To accomplish this, our views regarding what it is to be human will have to become far more flexible, emphasizing values that enhance the further evolution of our species rather than the advance of technology alone. Homo Sapiens is a design that is far from perfect and it is still being developed to this day.  Evolution has not stopped! This means we must ever strive for better methods of co-existence and for the realization of the noblest potentials of the human being, using nature as the primary reference point for the advancement of our kind.  Only in nature will we find the best solutions for all the questions of life and society.  Our DNA and the natural laws which are responsible for developing it, is a vast reservoir of wisdom whose source is an intelligent, conscious universe.  A wise approach to the management of society is to employ that wisdom which already exists in nature, and in ways that are simple, practical and efficient.  A progressive society is one that seeks the highest benefit for each of its members, recognizing that our collective chain is only so strong as its weakest link.  Such a society does not train its citizens to become functional machine parts, but seeks instead their enlightenment and their spiritual and mental fulfillment as intelligent beings.  The wise recognize the fact that the contribution of the progressive citizen is a far more beneficial one, advancing the state of society in profound and beautiful ways. Such individuals are able to tap the vast reservoir of wisdom that is latent in each of us, because it is they who strengthen their personal connections with nature.  In progressiveness the natural person actively takes their own physical health as a serious matter, improving it through a fine-tuned awareness of the body’s needs and of the principles of good health.  The progressive person seeks to improve their level of functional intelligence and spiritual wisdom through self-knowledge.  They allow no vital error in their thought process to go unchallenged, nor do they cling to false ideas like a security blanket.  Such a mind sees change as vital, natural and necessary.  Change then becomes an adventure into higher forms of the evolving self, rather than something to be desperately avoided, as is the case in today’s mindset.


In nature the concepts of honesty or dishonesty do not truly exist, for there is only a matter of fact approach to reality.  Therefore honesty is itself not a principle of natural law per se, but it is a means to embrace truth with competence.  Society, (in its current form) cannot competently deal with reality, primarily because its own self-deceptions are getting in the way of true progress.  We have lost sight of what is genuinely valuable, of the natural priorities of living through a fixation upon man-made images and false ideals.  We cannot expect to perceive truth, Nature or God clearly while entertaining the absurd desires pandered by the media, or the irrational mode of constant talk without any concern for meaning.  We live within a collective denial of reality and our own self-imposed limitations.  Ours is primarily a problem of egotism, of not wanting to admit error.  We go on fulfilling the same old roles of job, conversation and politics regardless of a lingering doubt as to their value.  We don’t want to admit that our government is fraudulent, that our policy towards nature is a disaster and that we can no longer live with each other or ourselves.  We can’t admit that our addictions to various poisons found in food, prescription or illegal drugs is killing us, or to certain lies commonly told, ones which are causing our children to make the same if not worse mistakes as previous generations. At some point there must come a breaking point in this false scheme of things.  The mistakes of wrong thinking passed down through the generations, will finally end when people begin taking responsibility for “calling a spade a spade” and acting accordingly.  Our task today is to break all the illusions of centuries past which still linger on in present day beliefs.  Dishonesty about our own lives we cannot afford. The secreted miseries of the modern age are not a rational mindset.  An ostrich that sticks its head in the sand to “avoid danger” is considered a stupid animal, and for very good reasons.  Those reasons should be obvious to the reader and need not be detailed here.  To live competent, natural lives we need honesty, perhaps more than any other quality.  Without it we cannot take even the first step toward change, which is the recognition that there is a problem to start with.  The honest life promotes simplicity and sanity simply because such a mindset does not have to remember all the lies it has told, or to calculate all the lies it must yet tell, in order to preserve its self image.  It is better to concern oneself with genuineness rather than the appearance of ability.


Although logic or “formal reasoning” is a subject taught at universities and credited to certain thinkers of centuries past, it cannot be said that only humanity is capable of logical action.  Nature automatically operates through very logical means, simply because the actions it takes are based solely on truth.  Unlike human laws, natural laws are factually based and do not depend upon opinion or interpretation of any kind.  Logic may be referred to as a system of reasoning whereby known facts are evaluated.  In this evaluation the most truthful conclusion to any related question may be generated.  As a system of reasoning it might therefore be referred to as a direct means to access the truth of any question, including those asked by modern society.  Today’s “professionals” still cannot competently solve the deepest and most relevant questions of our time, because their methods are not logical, nor are they concerned for the most part with an exclusively factual approach to the problems of society.  There always enters a considerable degree of bias into today’s speculations, based upon reputation and financial interests. The questions asked by the public are weighted down by emotional attachments and special interests, and are likewise without the appropriate concern for what is real and what is not.  Our concepts are devoid of a factual basis and display a strong tendency toward favoritism.  Thus, today’s inquiries are usually biased for personal or cultural reasons, and so too are the conclusions reached by them.  As a culture we do not speak of logic in everyday conversation, because this word implies too many mental responsibilities.  If we were to say that being logical is a very desirable thing, then our own arguments and beliefs would also be subject to rational debate.  A fearful mind believes it cannot afford to do this, primarily because of the view that thoughts and beliefs represent who we are, when in fact they do not.  It is believed that if we open ourselves to logic our views become subject to logical analysis, whereby our own self worth is laid bare to attack.  Fear is therefore stifling progressiveness in the public domain.  This is the fear that those beliefs are dead wrong.  Such a suspicion is in reality well founded. We can believe in any self-image for instance, but this does not change the essential fact that our true identity is one of soul, rather than learned behavior.  Beliefs and opinions change with the wind, but we are not born with these, (they are acquired through social influence) meaning also that they can be unlearned.  To value truth is also by necessity to value honesty and logic, for both of these are a part of its structure.  A logical society is one that is truthful and honest about its own condition, because it is known that only through these can effective, life-saving change be brought about.  The individual who values this quality is for the same reason both honest and truthful about their life condition.  To value logic is to first see things on a factual basis, and then to determine the most reasonable, life affirming means with which to improve the daily condition.  To ask if something is logical is to ask if it makes sense in a factual, truthful way.  Modern society is clearly not logical and neither is participation in it.


Second only to truth itself, spiritual intent is a major key toward a successful life.  In a natural context this term refers to the will to act in accord with the highest welfare, of not only the self or even all persons, but all of life itself.  This is the intent to do good works, and to cultivate what is of greatest value to the individual and to the society at large.  It is a reverence for love without object, positivity without special interest and for the Divine in all things.  As noted previously, natural laws are also spiritual laws.  For instance, in science the student learns of the principle of resonance. Simultaneously elsewhere in the world, the religious devotee learns that love knows no limits and is capable of transferring itself from one person to another. What this means is that the principles described by physics in the functioning of natural systems, account also for the laws which form the basis of all religions worldwide.  From natural laws and purity do these religions draw their life philosophies.  It is readily evident that a truly natural person is also a truly spiritual one, and vice versa.  In nature we find the manifestations of logic, straightforwardness and the sweetness of purity.  In the spiritual masters, the Buddhas and Christs, we find the same logic of presentation, straightforwardness of manner and purity of being.  Therefore to emulate the masters is also to emulate the very spirit of nature that animates a tree, a human being and all points in between.  When we speak of Divine laws or natural laws, of God or Cosmos, we make reference to the same solid consistency of Truth that is the basis for reality.  Today we hear much talk of what it is to act with appropriate spirituality.  Yet the majority of what we see is a fixation upon power and money which contradicts this message.  While receiving spiritual messages, much of the affluent world sits within multi-million dollar structures of ornate and lavish design, as though such décor makes Truth itself all the sweeter. Obviously the message of spiritual intent does not reflect the only intent involved in the modern religious institution.  We have not achieved the spirituality so often spoken of. simply because it is not yet our highest priority.  Truth and spiritual intent must consistently remain our primary focus in daily affairs, or else we cannot hope to sustain good relations with each other.  Natural living tends to automatically advance the purpose of spiritual right action because of the reasons noted above.  The individual with spiritual intent recognizes that their own good will and demonstrated good works, are the necessary ingredients for establishing trust and progressive community.  Just as in the disarmament of nations, person to person interaction can only be improved when someone makes the first gesture(s) of good will.  Gestures of friendliness given by an individual do not imply weakness as is often assumed, they imply a realization of the wisdom contained in the phase, “If not now then when, and if not me then who?”

The path to greater wisdom, or in other words to a true education, cannot be gained through books or lectures.  It can only be had only through right living.  Right living implies an everyday, and preferably moment to moment focus upon universal truth.  A continual emphasis of this kind is exactly what is needed to clearly see, understand, absorb and finally embody the lessons life has to teach.  Truth is therefore an applied science.  We cannot approach it through the memorization of techniques or through the regurgitated opinions of others, as formal education would have us believe.  The teachings contained in God and Nature are ones that must be lived out step by step, in order for their details and importance to be clearly realized.  This principle of learning is summed up in the saying “give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach him how to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.”  Book learning is like being giving a single meal, but practicing natural laws as a lifestyle, provides a continuous source for personal growth that is an endless feast of wisdom.  When we practice the principles of natural law in our daily lives, we come to see their specific benefits in every action we take.  This is why the natural lifestyle is simple one, acquired through a modesty of imagined needs, and a maximum of time and energy focused upon the depths of God and Truth. Applied in this way, the benefits of a lifestyle that includes living in ones own vehicle cannot, therefore, be adequately described in words.  It must be lived out in the day to day before its advantages become fully apparent.

The nine principles listed above are a primary and fundamental means for right living and true personal success.  Although these laws are comparatively few in number, the perceptive reader will not make the mistake of assuming that they are too simplistic to properly guide ones’ life.  The fact that each of these is a principle or law means that they act as a set of master keys that can unlock any door.  Unlike specific philosophies or religions, they can be applied to any circumstance successfully and without the limitation of bias.  All nine are excellent and proven modes for intelligently managing the mind and body.  They also act to expand personal consciousness, or in other words to enhance spiritual progress, especially when applied in the natural context.

The process of self-education that is natural living is truly the best “formal learning process” that is available.  It requires no tuition, technical formulas, credentials, scholarships or diplomas.  What it does require is patience, a determined focus, the love of truth and silent attentiveness.  To be silently attentive in this case, means to watch and listen carefully not only to the outer world of nature, but to the inner world of ones’ own consciousness.  The modern person has a particular problem with this, because even on the rare occasion when the discussion of trivia stops, the common practice is to immediately fill any gaps of silence with some form of artificial input.  How can we observe anything and therefore gain real wisdom, if we are constantly distracted by endless trivialities? This is where the principle of prioritization comes to its greatest use.  We must make silent attentiveness, (particularly inner reflection) a main priority in daily life.  If we do not take the time to simply stop all the gibberish and noise in our lives be it audible, mental or electronic, then our true “formal education” cannot begin.  Life in your own vehicle will of course facilitate this.  As a further aid to personal progress, the nine modes above are an endless source for growth. There is yet a tenth factor, which is like the placing of the capstone upon the pyramid of enlightenment.  This factor is known as meditation.


There is much misunderstanding and a negative cultural bias toward the word “meditation” which must first be dispelled.  The connotation surrounding it tends to be generally derogatory.  We are prompted to visualize its practice as a type of fringe activity performed by bubble-headed hippies, trendy rebels, shifty eyed cultists or new age dropouts who don’t know any better.  This attitude is so widespread one might easily conclude that our society is more than a little defensive about the concept.  This is predictable since taking responsibility for thoughts or emotions is something we are taught we cannot, or even should not do.  We are also taught that there is no other path for us other than the rigid roles assigned to us by virtue of gender, economic class and the religious orthodoxy.  The very idea of meditation however, involves shifting ones’ mental state, self-image or even whole world view, at will.  It is an inner discipline practiced by those who would shape themselves according to their own desires, and not the desires of an insecure status quo.  This of course is unacceptable for those who have vested interest in the predictability of the public, and thus, how they spend their money in the market place.  Profit margins built upon the sell of nonsensical goods, depend entirely upon the blind followership of sheep-like masses.  Meditation has the power to change all that, as well as to cause challenge to fall upon authoritarian and corrupt leadership.  This is of course, just one more reason why we should all take up meditation today. 

The fundamental quality of meditation is simply inner reflection.  There are many techniques and schools of thought in regard to how it should be conducted.  Don’t let this fact become a source of confusion.  The single primary goal of any meditational practice is accurate self-perception.  It is easy to assume that we already perceive ourselves accurately enough, and if we lived in a natural society this would be basically true.  But since we live in an era which has chosen to fascinate itself with the shallow, irrelevant and ridiculous, we have a particular need to use meditation as the key of keys that unlocks personal freedom.  We do not perceive ourselves accurately so long as we believe in a self-image made up of artificial ideas.  We are more than just an occupation, family history, set of beliefs, thoughts, emotions and memories.  We have a reality that goes far beyond all of these, one that is not learned behavior but which is natural, profound and Divine.  When we get beyond thought or in other words our own thoughts, to that in us which is actually creating all images, thoughts and emotions, it is then that we begin to learn about our true selves as souls.  This is the practice of meditation, one that allows direct contact with the true self, and ultimately a total identification with it.  Accomplishing this composes a large portion of what is meant by the phrase “gaining enlightenment”.  Personal enlightenment is largely the realization of self as soul.  Personal memories, thoughts and emotions do not bind the enlightened person, nor does any culture or system of belief.  For them, the only standard worth total devotion is that which is already existent in the universe, as set forth by natural law.

A basic though effective form of meditation may be practiced in the following manner:


To begin the practice of meditation it is recommended that a three-step process be used (initially).  These steps are known as; 1) preparation, 2) breathing focus and, 3) the meditation itself.  To accomplish step one, simply find for yourself a quiet place that will not be disturbed.  Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor, a straight though relaxed spine and eyes closed.

Step two consists of a breathing exercise in which deep, relaxed breaths are taken in as follows; A) Breathe in deeply and slowly for a period of about five seconds until the lungs are completely filled.  B) Hold this breath for approximately five seconds more. C) Exhale slowly, taking five seconds to do so until the lungs are completely emptied. D) After exhalation wait another five-second period before inhaling once again.  E) Repeat A, B and C ten times or until you feel calm and refreshed.

After the breathing exercise of step two, let the body breathe as it wants to normally for about a minute.  Relax.

In step three, the Mantra Meditation itself consists of silently repeating certain syllables/sounds, while maintaining an awareness of breathing as follows.

A) On an in-breath begin to silently repeat once in the mind the sound “OM”, prolonging one repetition of this sound for the entire duration of the inhalation. B) Upon exhaling, silently repeat once in the mind the sound “EEE”, (as in “key”) prolonging it from the start to the finish of the exhalation.  C) Repeat A and B above for a total of 15 minutes. All breaths should be natural and not prolonged, (as in step two) unless desired.  D) Practice this technique twice daily, once in the morning immediately after bedtime, and once in the evening just prior to bedtime, for a recommended period of at least 20 minutes each session.

The meditator will find that thoughts very often drift in to the mind, interrupting the repetition of the mantras.  This is very natural and should not become a source of anxiety.  When noticing that thoughts have entered the mind during meditation, simply return to the mantra repetition with each inhalation and exhalation.  Do this as many times as necessary to maintain the meditation, and always in a relaxed manner.  Do not strain to keep thoughts out of mind, merely return to the practice without further effort or consideration.  Like all meditations, the Mantra meditation is an exercise in increasing one’s internal awareness.  Any increase in internal awareness is likewise an increase in personal power, which is why meditation is not a practice to take lightly.  Use it daily to see into your own depths, and realize more clearly the nature of the human soul and God.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 


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