The Influence of Intentions
on World Peace

         Like wind in the leaves, the mutual feelings of crowds and nations stir us to action, and shape our daily lives.  The depth of emotion felt within each of us,  is a part of the intensity of feelings in distant places without names, the world over. Our interconnectedness is a fact of life from the most basic instinctual levels, to the most advanced intellectual plateaus.  All states of mind set into motion the trends of action for the next moment, the next hour and even the next decade.  Despair or delight are contagious things,  traveling from person to person in a never-ending stream. They flow without international boundary and observe no cultural barriers.  Just as the quality of inner emotion and intention of a given person  molds the events of their personal lives, so too do the collective feelings and intentions of humanity continuously shape international relations.  We cannot escape this fact of natural law, but we CAN take advantage of it for the betterment of our species.  We can consciously hold those states of mind which create world peace, and thereby set into motion the psychic winds of change for the betterment of humanity.  When we realize finally, that what we do on the inside of our being most profoundly effects the external, physical world, the people of all nations will then break the historical cycles of warfare that plague the globe today.  They will use this self-realized power of intention and inner feeling, to create a world of progressive and mutual benefit.

The planetary conditions we see before us are a mirror of our own inner state.  They are a reflection of both inner chaos and growing wisdom, and the test of our evolutionary fitness will be determined by which of these we choose to cultivate.  The wars and civil strife going on RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT, are but the collective symptoms of the inner unrest we all feel much of the time.  Although the faces of generals and politicians may change, it is the same phenomena of inner struggle we see today that has been witnessed throughout history.  Warlike intentions give rise to international disaster.  History repeats itself, because our own inner hostilities and dissatisfaction keep repeating themselves.  To recognize this fact is the first and most critical step for world peace and peacefulness.  To truly progress we must stay focused upon spiritual good will, with the full knowledge that any intentionally held hostilities, are ultimately an intentionally held self-destructiveness.  The body of humanity to which we belong is an indivisible collective, and it is important to view it as such.  For our own sake and self preservation, we must render aid to our neighbors and neighboring countries with an enthusiasm born of this spiritual understanding. 

It is our task to INTEND progressive relations into place, and to KNOW that there is simply no alternative for our survival and prosperity as a species.  In this way love, clarity and progressive relations among nations and neighborhoods, will find their realization in world events. 

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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