Restoring Power to the People

             Physical war is really not the primary arena for battle in the modern age.  The Real battlefield of the modern, is not fought with guns, knives, bombs or chemicals.  It is fought amongst the neural architecture of each human brain, using the weapons of ideology.  Many people today are closer friends with propaganda than they are with the neighbors.  Ideas are the actual combatants, in the corporate contest for the physical world.  In fact, they always have been.

 Groups of ideas form cultures, ideals and political parties.  They become the nexus for social action, even though most of them do not originate from the minds of the public. Contrary to popular opinion, ideals are not instantly made holy upon winning mass approval.  Never the less, the ideals of our day, (as questionable as they are) form the front lines of struggle, where every world conflict is truly won or lost.  The human mind is the ultimate battlefield, where our indoctrination into materialistic culture and nationalism begins.  It is from this conditioned way of seeing the world, that our bastion of reason is assaulted. 

As a result of accepted ideas, we find that the graduates of “education” emerge without distinct personal identity or direction.  They certainly are not becoming enlightened beings, through the medium of doctrinaire books, stale air and carefully channeled curriculum. Education has thus become a mould out of which mental clones are fashioned, and from this stock the fittest are considered those most capable of following inane orders without question. Individual autonomy has become a rare a thing, almost as rare in fact, as public protest over corrupt policy-making.  There is often talk about freedom of speech, yet that freedom extends only so far in the modern media, as one is able to think within well-established boundaries.  Meanwhile, almost no one speaks of freedom of thought, or freedom of consciousness.

It is commonly assumed that the givens of life are already established by society.  The social ideals of “success” and “progress” are considered unquestionable, due to their overwhelming acceptance by the public. No one dares question the religious fallacies of materialism, or its holy grails of paychecks, social one-upmanship and cosmetic surgery. Money is our God, and as everyone knows, to worship anything less is sheer lunacy. Not only are we trained to believe in the business worlds’ definition of life, but that there is not, nor has there ever been, any other way to live. Memories are short.  They get lost somewhere in the transition of the generations.  As a species we are suffering from a form of amnesia, with regard to natural, practical living.

This is why freedom of thought has become an unknown quality, one that is rarely discussed.  The question becomes “What good is the freedom of speech, when the freedom of thought is no longer exercised?”  Freedom of thought, (or mind-state) is not encouraged by our institutions of “higher learning”. To be recognized by the academic community, one must religiously repeat the same catch phrases and political jargon.  We quote this “expert” and that PhD, but rarely do we speak from the soul, real experience, or from natural intuition. We go on quoting the same tired “fathers of this or that science” not because they are fascinating or even pertinent, but because we fear to speak for ourselves. The original modern sin, is original thought.  We feel bullied by academia and the status quo, so we all “get in line” in order to be “accepted”. To do otherwise is to be considered unteachable and unsociable.

  Our culture considers wisdom to be the product of greater knowledge, no matter how irrelevant to sane living that knowledge may be.  Relevance of knowledge is considered pertinent to daily affairs, only when it generates money.  Thus we are taught to regurgitate on command, the precepts of the profit-margin priesthood, regardless of the obvious illogic of doing so.  Those who succeed at flawless parroting are granted the status of a “learned person”, and rewarded with money and notoriety.  Those who fail to regurgitate properly are considered below par, and are thus not allowed into the closed circles of higher (mis)education or corporate management.

As a people we will never taste liberation, or live in a genuinely democratic society, until we free our minds.  To do this it is necessary to go beyond the parroting of book-learned rhetoric and political correctness, to find real wisdom. Wisdom is gained through experience, not classrooms. Through introspective living, the vast majority of real wisdom and knowledge is accessible to every open mind.  By cultivating clarity, we realize that ones’ depth of insight into Truth cannot be accurately measured according to standard tests.  Nor can it be gained by sheer bulk of knowledge.  Wisdom is better defined as that state of being which directly applies truth in every-day living.  Wisdom is therefore a verb more than it is a noun.

            The open mind is not a conditioned one.  So long as we believe in the conditioning supplied to us by the institutions of our day, we will never achieve our full potential as human beings.  That vast potential is no less than genius.  As a species we use less than 10% of our mental capacities, and perhaps even less of our spiritual abilities, because of the faulty, culturally imposed beliefs we teach our children to revere.  Our felt lack is learned behavior! It is little wonder that a greatly increasing number of high school graduates are barely able to read, let alone live in a sane or autonomous fashion.  We do not encourage youth to think for themselves.  What we teach them in fact, is to believe and act like everyone else.   The main problem with this method of instruction, (other than the fact that it lacks any real concern for personal empowerment) is that everyone else is behaving very poorly.  If you doubt this, then just take a close look at international affairs and domestic policy.

Our schools have become places of personal dis-empowerment, strict adherence to routine, and the acceptance of irrational, trivial detail.  They serve as a model for the blind following of authority, regardless of stated purpose. In these public hells of increasing violence and unnecessary stress, all real creativity is stifled. “Education” now promotes only the necessary recommended conditioning to both body and mind, which will serve as future training for work-place function.  Bodies are trained to eat, sleep and work according to a clock, rather than according to natural rhythms.  Children are forced to perform rather than perceive.  They are encouraged to dive head first into bad habits, rather than a healthy lifestyle.  Competition through ruthless egotism, is presented as the “winning” norm, whereas only “losers” do not “achieve” according to preset standards. “Grades” are doled out by underpaid and generally uninspired state employees, according to graph-charted, peer comparisons.  Herein the spirit of cooperation and the joy of learning dies out.

Modern education exists to serve only one true function, and that is to accommodate the corporate desire for an easily managed work force.  Only through constant conditioning is the human spirit finally beaten down, at which point it finally acquiesces to perpetual drudgery. How else would the institutions of our day get a normal, healthy, naturally intelligent child, to grow up to be a worker-ant automaton, and wage slave? This is accomplished only through 13 years, (or more) of constant conditioning by clocks, pressure, stress and authority-figure domination.  How else could a sane individual possibly be talked into giving away the best 30-40 years of their youth, to such absurdly abstract ideals as “achieving your financial goals?” The illusion that money equals happiness can only be held in place, so long as we call ourselves “consumers”.  Yet the natural fact is, we are intelligent and autonomous beings, who have far greater potentials than catering to the usual buy-sell hysteria of the marketplace.

            Education is of course, not the only force for public mass-conditioning.  Modern media is far more invasive.  It offers a constant stimulus of mediocrity and mis-information, which the unwary fall prey to, during each dinner hour.  Part of our “education” has been to accept any presentation given without question.  We do this regardless of content, and therefore without any attention paid to relevance, logic or usefulness.  If this were not so, then the average television commercial would be constantly ridiculed and laughed at. In a sane society, modern commercials would serve only to turn potential customers completely off. Yet this is not the case, because we are trained to avoid thinking for ourselves at all costs. The average individual accepts this cultural conditioning, because they assume that it is their duty to swallow anything which “authority” says is true, or because they cannot brave a viable alternative.  Yet, it is every persons duty to their own welfare, (and to Truth and spiritual progress) to question everything which is presented, in this modern age of unscrupulous persuasion. Why must we question modern media and education?  Because they both contain more lies than truth, to put it bluntly. They harbor more  propaganda and distraction, than relevant, timely knowledge. They do not sustain us, so why should we sustain them?

As an example of media absurdity, I present the following evidence derived from CNN Headline News.  These statistics were gathered on January 16, 2001.  I gained this information by simply watching a news report, and writing down each topic that was covered.  While watching, I noted how much attention in minutes each subject was given.  I ask the reader to perform the same fascinating inquiry.  I ask you to confirm for yourself the mediocrity of modern reporting, by watching the so-called “news” in an analytical, (rather than accepting) way.  Write down what you observe minute to minute during any news report, and then ask this crucial question.  “Does any of this information have any REAL or PRACTICAL bearing on sane living?”


The following is a list of subjects covered in that half-hour CNN broadcast;

The actual minutes of coverage, starting at 7PM Pacific time;

Subject of coverage

Time in minutes spent on subject


How to identify a certain kind of skin disease



The McVeigh execution proceedings



History and attempted assassination of a South African leader



Trial details



Reagan surgery recovery



National weather



Debate as to whether a certain disability law applies to a golf professional



Cold and Flu advice, in its relationship to aerobic activity.






Ashcroft debate, and Clinton cancer surgery



Stock market



OPEC pricing






College sports






“Lifestyles”  (man who does world record jumping jacks, movie reviews





To summarize the above, the following emphasis was noted;

General categories of “information”;

Percentage of total time spent of this category;



Health (disease)






“Lifestyles” forum (social trivia)




Miscellaneous domestic and international trivia


Clearly, the January 16th CNN report is very comparable, in terms of content and relevance, to most other sources of media “information”.  In other words, we are constantly being fed a great deal of bull, and very little lean meat.  The one inquiry that is rarely asked in modern reporting is “the golden question”.  We hear about what, how, when and where, but never do we hear the one truly relevant question that can be asked.  We never hear WHY events are occurring, as though motive and cause were too trivial to merit comment.

            Having heard about the CNN version of life, lets look at the REALITY of our world situation, the one that is so carefully excluded from “the news”.  Those who are aware of the impending global crisis on a variety of fronts are prompted to ask, “Ok, so where is the REAL news?”  Where is the responsible depiction of global events?  Why are the following issues never or very rarely addressed in the media today?” 

1)      Why is there no discussion of the latest extinctions of species, industrial toxins, the death of whole rivers, lakes, streams, oceans shorelines, reefs and seas?

2)      What about the serious depletion of world natural gas, oil, wood and clean water reserves?

3)      The international news… What is happening today in countries around the world?  When is the last time you heard anything in depth about all of South America, Europe, Australia, or Asia?  How about our own “next door” neighbors, Canada and Mexico?

4)      Why is there little to no mention of recent earthquakes, floods, mudslides, climate changes, global warming, ozone depletion, Arctic and Antarctic ice sheet meltdowns, record low or high temperatures, and their effects on the whole world?

5)      Why no analysis or attempted remedy for widespread lay-offs and other labor problems around the country?  What about increased poverty and domestic violence?

6)      When was the last time you heard anything comprehensive about what our government is doing, in terms of both domestic action and policy making?  What are the latest laws, and how will they effect the people?  What is the US doing in foreign countries right now?  Why are we forced to pay taxes in order to support the largest, most violent military in the history of the world?

7)      Why is there no more discussion of the greatest election scandal in the history of the United States, in a supposedly “Democratic” nation?

8)      Why no mention of the ever-increasing social problems we witness in public school violence, widespread symptoms of child stress, or that 1 in every 6 people is estimated to be in need of mental-illness treatment?  What about increasing addiction rates?  Why does the US have the highest percentage of imprisonment of its own population, of any country in the world?  

The reason why the REAL news is not accurately presented, is because the corporate world doesn’t want you to be aware of it.  It is as simple as that.  They don’t want you to know that the life you’ve been told is desirable, is an incredibly destructive lie.  “Consumer confidence” must constantly be maintained, or else this whole economic house of cards we have built, will come crashing down.  This will happen soon enough anyway.  In the interim, we are all supposed to go on pretending that nothing is wrong.  In polite society one puts on a happy face regardless of what they are feeling inside.  It’s supposedly “negative” to speak of things as they are, regardless of their obvious factuality.  We are taught that appearance is far more important than honesty.  Those who are honest, we are told, are either naïve or simply deranged.

In reviewing the REAL world crisis, the responsible person is prompted to find a sensible alternative to this Brave New World.  Our current “reality” increasingly resembles such movies as “The Matrix”, “Rollerball”, “Looker”, “Fahrenheit 451”, and the various depictions of the Roman Empire, just before its Great Fall.  The realist knows that we approaching “the second fall of Rome”, even as you read these words.  Those who still pretend to live happily in accord with modern society, are either living very sheltered lives, or lives in denial. For the sake of money and status, the majority willingly sacrifice the benefit of the world, and even their own children, on the altar of egotism.

 The dollar is not our God.  Divinity is not contained in those institutions who prize only profit margins over all other values.  For this reason, corporate goals do not merit the 30-40 year, 40-50 hour a week, worship schedule.

      Our sanity demands that we withdraw from the madness of accepted norms and goals.  As individuals we may not be capable of changing all of the worlds’ problems.  But we can  find ways of living other than those presented by a hysterical media, and a “dumb-down” educational system. We are not “consumers”.  We are the very manifest intelligence of Nature.  To return ourselves to the natural state of human wisdom, we must simplify and make practical, all of our daily routines. We must embrace Nature like the Native peoples of the world have done for untold millennia.

Let truth alone be the guiding light of the new millennium.  Only through the natural will we survive the coming century.  Only by observing the natural laws of health, mental clarity and spiritual growth, will we find the joy of living, remembered deep within our own cells and souls.  Question everything.  Ask the golden question “WHY?” and embrace what is already within!

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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