The Perpetual Raising

PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5

(Part 3 of 5)

 The body is an instrument through which we interact with the physical plane, as souls or conscious beings.  As we refine this instrument through meditation, and ideally with pure foods and sufficient exercise, the body becomes, “a spiritual temple” for Divine expression as well.  Our physical form is a repository of our life experiences, and it is these experiences which bring about the needed lessons for soulic growth.  An excellent approach to spiritual growth is to Intentionally treat the body and this current life, as an opportunity for adventure into higher consciousness.  By cultivating greater inner awareness, we actively participate in our own evolutionary process, as well as the true progress of our species.  A spiritually progressive focus upon the body is an ideal route for achieving these Cosmic ends.  The feelings within the cells indicate an enormous amount of important information to us.  These can be acted upon and changed at will.  Thus, we can change our state of consciousness at will, and rise toward higher and higher levels of enlightenment, through this apparently simple medium of the physical form.  Through the feelings in the body we can become aware of the Intents which underlie them, and the universe in general.  It is this Intent Itself which is primarily responsible for everything which transpires in the self and the world..

The meditator eventually succeeds in converting the Intent elements in the body to progressively higher degrees of clarity, love and energy.  In so doing their overall level of consciousness continues to expand.  By using the Intent of Perpetual Raising throughout the body, (through a body-wide awareness focus) we may accelerate this process greatly. As the meditator uses this body-wide Intent of perpetual raising, towards higher and higher levels of consciousness, they eventually come to a major spiritual threshold.  This is a level where, both the body and the world are directly perceived, (Seen) in a state of Unity.  In this state the universality of consciousness is REALIZED.  Another way of saying this is that the body and the planet as a whole, are perceived as group minds.  From this realization of “unity consciousness”, another fact becomes apparent.  We See that there exists an interface between the self and the World.  This interface is psychic in nature, and functions as a two way, mutual feedback-loop from the environment to the individual, and from the individual to the environment.  To observe and to objectively know this interface is to REALIZE the natural principle of Karma, and its continuous functioning.  Thus we come to know the deep meaning of cause and effect.  We learn that the human being is both causing world and personal events, and is in turn effected by these in profound ways.  When we employ the Intent of perpetual raising, (of consciousness) both within the body/soul and externally in the World Mind, we are then involved in CREATING SPIRITUAL CAUSE, for the welfare of all beings.  This is also known as “improving ones’ karma”. When we Intentionally radiate progressive states of consciousness to the world, we become analogous to “spiritual transmitters” of love and clarity.  The following table makes this more clear, through an analogy of the human nervous system to radio propagation;





The spine/nervous system/chakras       

Frequency of broadcast

Feeling/type of emotion

Frequency tuner (to various stations)

The specific focus of Awareness

Electricity powering the broadcast


Content of broadcast (music, information, entertainment, etc.)


Governing purpose of broadcast

Type of Intent

Various broadcasting bands (AM/FM/VHF/UHF  etc.)

Mindstates, different levels of Consciousness

Many stations broadcasting on a variety of frequencies and bands

Individuals and groups of individuals of different Intentions, radiating their internal states to the surrounding community/world

 The employment of the Intent of perpetual raising, also eventually results in a second major threshold.  Upon reaching this threshold, the practitioner realizes that, the purpose of all life is the raising of consciousness.  This is the purpose for which we have been cultivated, by the Earth Mind, (Gaia/local presence of God).  The long biological process of eons has been called evolution by science, but unlike traditional views, it is clearly NOT a purely mechanical or chance process.  Evolution is a purposeful process that is still unfolding. Evolution is guided even now, as it always has been, by the presence of Universal Consciousness.  Physical systems are merely the reflections of spiritual/natural Law.  It is the spiritual which causes the material, NOT the material which causes the spiritual. The processes of nature demonstrate intelligent design, of which we are a part. When we become attuned to this design, (to natural laws) we may then participate actively in the process of our own evolution, so long as we hold a spiritual focus.

The purpose of life is the raising of consciousness, of which we are composed. This Universal Aim is not of our own making, but is a reflection of the Intent of that which is known as God.  It is the Intent of God to Manifest Itself in the highest possible forms, into the matrix of atoms, everywhere upon the physical plane.  God does this so as to express Itself there, and improve Its own nature even further.  Thus, we are manifestations of the Intent of God, to evolve Itself through the agency of matter.  Our own motivation to grow, expand and evolve, is a reflection of the Divine Intent to do the very same thing.   We are an outgrowth of the Evolution of God. To employ the Intent of perpetual raising, is therefore to act in accordance with the purposes of natural law.  To put this another way, it is to act in accord with the will of God to evolve.  When we recognize this Truth, we then become the agents of Divine Intention, and also catalysts for the furtherance of human evolution.  The acceleration of human consciousness, results also in the furtherance of the evolution of the Earth Mind/Noosphere, or planetary consciousness in general.

 The Specialization of Intent Within a group Mind

 Any group of meditators may make maximum use of their mutual force, by applying to Natural/Divine law as much as possible.  They will therefore wish to make use of the Intent of Perpetual Raising, both within the group and individually, so as to accommodate universal designs.  In so doing they form a collective which acts to support natural law and Divine Intentions, and can therefore raise their level of consciousness unimpeded.  In this way, meditators may not only make the best use of consciousness, but may actually become catalysts for the evolutionary process.  This may be accomplished with a minimum of individual effort, through the specialization of Intent within a group. The principle of specialization is a law of nature, and it allows for maximum efficiency among cooperating individuals.  In the spiritually oriented group mind setting, specialization implies what might be called “spiritual efficiency”,  or “a well employed expenditure of spiritual energy”.  Our own bodies display this natural law of specialization very eloquently. 

 Thus, specialists within a group mind of meditators may each employ a singular focus, for the purpose of the expansion of consciousness.  This they can do for the sake of the collective and everyone within it.  The recommended minimum number of meditators which should compose such a group, is seven.  Each may specialize in their Intentions, (by employing one of the six focuses for the expansion of group consciousness) as follows;

1)   To provide greater personal and group Energy.

2)   To provide greater personal and group expansion, (of spiritual Intent) to the fields at large, (manifestation).

3)   To provide greater personal and group Right Intent/Action by employing the Intent of perpetual raising.

4)   To provide greater personal and group vibrational level, (love).

5)   To provide greater personal and group right alignment, (connecting the group to God/Nature).

6)   To provide greater personal and group clarity.

The seventh member of the group of meditators, acts as the main focusing agent for group cohesion and progress.   This individual should be someone capable of coordinating the group mind and its resulting field influence.  It is they who can aid in the merger of the above six functions, (clarity, energy, right alignment, vibration, expansion and right Intent/action) making them an increasingly effective union of Intentions/participants.  This individual ensures that the group mind is facilitated smoothly, and who is capable of making recommendations as to how the group Intent can be progressively improved. 

With seven such specialists employing the Intents above for the benefit of all involved, there is literally no limit to the level of consciousness which the group may achieve. This is true so long as its members remain spiritually progressive, without concept of limitation.  Beyond the initial basic minimum of seven meditators, additional people may join into this collective effort of consciousness raising. These additional meditators, beyond the minimum recommended number, can simply choose to participate in one of the seven positions and join in.   Hundreds or thousands of people may thus specialize in their Intent for the good of the group or groups, and for increasingly pronounced effects, due to the exponential nature of the group mind principle.  Many such groups of seven or more meditators, can and should be formed worldwide, so that the Intent of the planetary raising of consciousness can be exponentially increased.  Such groups may, like the organs of a new and more evolved body, join the forces of their consciousness into a single, unified whole. This document is a call for such unity, among all the religions, philosophies, and other spiritual practices around the world.  Specific ideologies must not be the cause for division among our kind.  Ideological divisions are entirely artificial in nature, and are the product of human thought alone.  The fact of our essential unity as conscious beings, must form the basis for true social understanding and progress.  This unity of human bodies, minds, and souls is based upon consciousness.  As each individual and group tunes their consciousness to the Cosmic Intent of the Evolutionary Plan, (natural laws) all ideological and political divisions will be seen for what they are…illusion.

Powerful psychic “areas of effect” may be generated by groups, (areas of love, clarity, raised energy, greater Divine influence, etc.).  These may be formed throughout a given room, household, neighborhood, city, region, nation or most ideally, the entire world.  Any group of meditators may join together the influence of their mutual Intention, for the purpose of enhancing world wide enlightenment.  Rightly focused Intent can bring forth spiritual “manifestations” or “psychic areas of effect”.  Large-scale regions of love and clarity, like the clouds of a cleansing storm, can be manifested through group Intent, in order to transform human consciousness on a planetary level, (World and Earth Minds).  In this way, high spiritual Intentions can cover the globe, and render profound evolutionary influence upon every being of this planet  The current World Mind of humanity is currently permeated with Intent elements of pain and fear, and in a way similar to the manner in which these can permeate a given physical body. We have within our power the ability to transform this planetary fear, pain and confusion. 

World Mind transformation may progressively occur, when groups of spiritually focused individuals use the four steps for the manifestation of Intent above, (see Part 2)  This process resembles the transformation of fear into love within a given meditators’ body.  Personal experiences in the transformation of Intent in the body therefore, serve as spiritual training for the transformation of Intent in the planetary body to which we belong.  Through such knowledge, the spiritual practitioner may transform their lives and ultimately the world at large, via the Intent of perpetual raising body-wide and planet-wide. This is the Intent employed by the Master, and it is the one necessary to change the course of society at the most fundamental level.  This most fundamental level of existence is Intent Itself.

When we add together the force of our spiritual Intentions within a group mind, they are exponentially and mutually elevated.  But when we also SPECIALIZE our Intentions mutually, for the good of the group we are in, this increases the group mind force even more.  We may again look to the human body as the perfect analogy for this principle.  Our bodies are composed of billions of cells, and although each one shares the same basic features, they do not all perform the same task.  The various organs are specialized groups of cells and tissues, performing specific functions for the rest of the body. The heart unifies the body and delivers life-giving sustenance to all other cells,  the eyes provide sight, and the vocal cords, speech.  The legs provide motion, the arms and hands dexterity in the handling of objects, the liver cleans the blood, and the brain coordinates the body. Every part of the body is specialized in order to provide maximum benefit and capability to our physiology as a whole, making the human form exceedingly capable in a variety of ways.  This fact is no accident, and is a reflection of Natural/Divine order in evolution.  Each specializing organ and tissue is extremely valuable to the body for one primary reason, and that is, when one area performs a needed function for all, the rest are freed to excel in their given tasks without distraction.  The same is true of the social insects, wolf packs, monkey troops, and human organizations such as companies, think tanks, family groups, relationships and friendships.  It is also true of Intentionally formed group minds, who act in unity to form, “a body of spiritual Intention”.

The World Mind of humanity, (planetary group mind) is currently permeated with fear, stress and discord as a result of unnatural Intent.  A perfect example of unnatural and therefore destructive Intent, is one which values material accumulation beyond all other considerations.  Materialism is an ideology which operates under the assumption, that there is nothing more valuable in life than physical possessions.  This is a false assumption, and is therefore not in accord with natural law and the purposes of evolution.  It is through such Intentions as those which underlie materialism, (greed for instance) that world consciousness has been degraded and made more chaotic. Those who work for the upliftment of humanity through the holding of love and other positive Intentions, are doing much to offset this current global chaos.  But we can all do much more to contribute to the upliftment of the global Intent.  Just as we can render positive influences within a group of persons at work, at home and particularly in a meditational setting, so too can we render direct, positive influences upon the World Mind. This can be done on a psychic/unified field basis. The body of humanity to which we currently belong, must be reoriented to an Intent of love rather than fear, clarity rather than confusion, and spiritual Intent rather than the Intent to make a profit..  We have within our power as a collective of conscious beings, the capacity to change all of these trends, (Intents) all over the world, just as we can change them within. 

To accomplish this transformation we can see each other as cells within a great body.  We can come together via the group mind principle of nature, to form what is analogous to organs, in each meditational/prayer group that is thus formed.  These groups must be formed without delay, to augment the efforts of those meditation and prayer (organ)izations already in existence.  Many such groups can come together to form a new kind of body for humanity, based upon the Intent to spiritually progress, and to evolve ourselves into higher and higher levels of consciousness, as a species.  When more and more cells, (conscious individuals) within the body of humanity join together,  to form a genuinely more perfect union, we may then actively guide a new world into being.  This new world need not have anything to do with dictatorial governments, armies, prisons, profit margins or ethnic conflicts. This new humanity can rise above all of the old assumptions about money and social power, to realize that there is only one power worth serving.  That power is God/Nature.  There is only one method that can most effectively bring about change.  That method is cooperation.  There is only one primary avenue for returning ourselves to a social union that is in alignment with Nature, God and Natural Law.  This avenue is the expansion of individual and planetary consciousness.  No other type of reform, be it political, social, economic or intellectual can ultimately remedy the modern crisis, because any system runs only so well as the consciousness of its leaders.  No matter how well constructed national constitutions, government agencies or religious organizations may be, it is the consciousness of their adherents which will eventually determine the success of any social cause.

Let us make every effort then to unite the force of our spiritual Intentions to expand consciousness. Through such efforts we may indeed bring about a greater quality of living for ourselves, and a new era for humanity.  The six modes of consciousness expansion, provide a framework for this effort.  All six, (clarity, energy, vibration, right alignment, expansion and right intent/action) can each be mastered to greater and greater degrees, by each and every person.  This will inevitably require a significant degree of self application to such ideals, and to these six focuses, but it can be done.  Some recommended methods to increase each of these six Intentions within the self and also within others, are given soon hereafter.  You are asked to practice these and other techniques for the expansion of consciousness, so that your individual contribution to the collective effort of humanity will be all the more potent. 

You are also asked at this point to make a decision as to how you want to contribute your spiritual Intention to the general good.  There are seven basic options for you to choose from.  These seven are merely suggestions for meditative/prayerful focus.  They provide an orientation as to how we may each specialize our Intentions for the good of our group(s) and for the good of the World Mind. Picking a specialized spiritual focus in this way, may be compared to fulfilling the specialized positions of any team.  As with a company or a team sport, specialists allow the smooth and efficient functioning of the organization as a single unit.  This makes the cooperative effort extremely strong, as in the case of the various organs within our own bodies.  Begin thinking about  the one you are initially most comfortable with, from the following list;

1)   THE GENERATOR; (energy gaining) This specialist within the group mind draws environmental energy, or chi, into the group for the purpose of empowering themselves and all other members with “spiritual fuel”.  Many persons into martial arts, Kundalini Yoga, Tai Chi, Wicca/Druidism and others, will probably have some experiential knowledge of “drawing energy” or “chi”, already.

2)   THE MANIFESTOR; (expansion) This specialist within the group mind expands the group-generated state of consciousness outward to the world at large.  They provide for “psychic outreach”, and act to spread love, clarity and other spiritual qualities planet-wide. Everyone has projected emotional energy, (love for instance) and Intent, innumerable times in their lives to others.  These experiences serve as the groundwork for a greater mastery of the expansion function.

3)   THE MOTIVATOR; (right Intent/right action) This specialist within the group mind provides the will to progress, and the sheer momentum to spiritually advance for all involved.  They are the “will to succeed” and the “morale boosting, motivating element” within our collective.  All people employ the will to succeed with their goals.  When this will is turned to unceasing spiritual progress, they are then using “right Intent”.

4)   THE PURIFIER;  (vibration) This specialist within the group mind, provides higher and higher vibrational levels for our collective.  Through the projection or radiation of love to all in the group, this individual unites the general Intention in the context of greater and greater, “high feelings”.  All people have experienced love at some time in their lives and to varying degrees of intensity.  When we learn about Intent, we find that love can be, “Intended into place” to higher and higher degrees.

5)   THE CHANNELER;  (right alignment) This specialist within the group mind establishes a conduit to Divine/Natural influence, for the collective meditation.  To do this they may choose to establish a stronger psychic link with the Earthmind, God, Masters, and/or Highly spiritual Entities of all kinds.  Those who have ever prayed and/or received Divine guidance, understand right alignment to some degree.  A study of Intent reveals that we can Intend into place progressively greater degrees of Divine rapport, soulic rapport, and communion with nature/natural law.  The channeler is so named because they enhance within the group mind, the presence of Divine organization and influence.  In essence, they “channel God” for the sake of group benefit.

6)   THE VISIONARY;  (clarity) This specialist within the group mind, adds the aspect of consciousness expansion known as clarity to the meditative union. This individual enhances what might be called, “greater self awareness” providing increasing insight into Truth, the true self and the direction of evolution.  Greater clarity is achieved through an awareness of awareness focus, or in other words, ones’ own awareness turning back upon itself.  When this occurs personally, we gain insight into our true selves as souls/consciousness.  When this occurs at a group level, every participant in the group mind gains greater insight into the subtleties of group consciousness. 

7)   THE GUIDE;  (field coordinator) This specialist within the group mind, should ideally be one who is able to perform all of the above functions, and who is familiar with the process of consciousness expansion. This individual enhances the group cohesiveness, progressiveness and spiritual purpose, (welfare of all).  The field coordinator acts to catalyze greater group cohesion, and offers support to any of the other specialists in their specific tasks.  This does not place the field coordinator or guide in the position of a “leader”, but rather, advisor and facilitator only.  

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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