The Raising

This is sent to you for the sake of transforming personal and planetary disaster, into a most excellent, ecstatic clarity of cosmic purpose….

That purpose is our further evolution.

The following is a method of ascension. It can be applied in groups of two to planetary;

Absolute dynamism of high feeling, via loving goodness, inside clarity.
(please read this line again, twice more;

This intent has potent, self-transformational properties into exponentially higher states of being.

Meditate upon this intent via the intent/feeling elements of the body. Raise these elements. Meditatively cause each in turn to initiate; Absolute dynamism of high feeling, via loving goodness, inside clarity. FEEL this intent encroaching body wide.

This is an action in which the intent that we are, raises itself by progressive degrees..

Use this focus as a compass, to raise into higher states of consciousness.


For intermediate meditational practitioners, (beginners need not read past this point, because the practice of meditation is all but required to employ it effectively);

For those who know the value of entheogens in meditation, an herbal, psychic booster may be employed. That spiritually powerful substance is known as “marijuana”.

Prepare yourself meditatively, before smoking.

Just before the first puff, INTEND yourself to be highly benefited by the Herb. Know that it will, when we allow it, expand our consciousness to great heights, allowing intense spiritual insights.
Prepare yourself to “identify with the high”, recognizing this to be a very real level of consciousness which is closer to the soul, than that of our habitual mindstate.

Principle; The “High” is a spiritually valuable state of being, and it can be accessed in many ways…through sheer intent, sex, marijuana, music and dance, other entheogens, meditation, and by communing with any of God/nature/soul. The High can be mastered to increasing degrees, and it can even be raised higher at will without end. To accomplish this is to understand the right use of intent, wherein a constant focus of ever increasingly high pitched feelings, are held in place, (body-wide) by the mind, and by the body at the mind’s direction. In other words, the high is held in place by the practitioner as an act of self knowledge, stabilizing and strengthening that state throughout their being, thereby gaining immense spiritual benefit from it.. The high is a sacred state and thus, marijuana is a sacred gift of Earth Consciousness. We are MEANT to use it to accelerate the process of evolution, both in ourselves and the planet as a whole.

Thus, smoke a puff of the Herb and read once again from the top of this page, until you reach, “Use this focus as a compass to raise into higher states of consciousness.” Stop here, return to the top, and keep rereading to that point until the power of your meditation, with the help of the Herb, takes hold. You will feel the high taking hold by degrees. As more and more of your feeling/intent elements body-wide are converted into the high, you will experience a gaining of spiritual power. To claim this power however, you must enter the high with your awareness and clarity, and take such mastery of it so that it it can be maintained permanently. In effect, IDENTIFY WITH THE HIGH. Call this state, “self” just the high vibration of the soul is, “home” The realization that we are souls in bodies greatly facilitates this action. Once again, you CAN make the high your permanent state of being, through the intent to do so.

For the advanced practitioner, or “Master; (all others need not read further)

Through high-expanded chakras, the Master of the high can readily draw chi, (energy) from the sun, wind, running stream or rain, in tremendous quantities. From such significant power sources, the Master can then take large scale psychic action as in, “coordinating intent elements at large” by converting them into high feelings, clarity and spiritual motivation. Such elements can as readily be purified by such intentions as; Absolute dynamism of high feeling, via loving goodness inside clarity. as can those of your own body. This is also known in World Mind Society terminology as “creating an area of effect” or “major creation“.

In such a way many Masters could, through linked group mind intent, employ their collective force for the sake of raising the planetary consciousness. Not only would the vibrations of the high compose this casting, but also clarity, elevated energy and a communion of all souls on this planet in goodness, (good, progressive intent). The best benefit of THE HIGH could thus be “cast” over every continent. Were this “casting of the high” to be even slightly successful, every single person on this world would suddenly feel, and to varying degrees, as if they had suddenly been covered by an encroaching blanket of good will, saturating ever atom of their being. An improvement of “mood” would take place, which some would initially understand, while many others would not.. The quality of colors and sounds will also at that moment, seem unusual. The Raising of the World Mind will, in this way, feel much like the raising of a single person’s consciousness, except that it will be of a much greater energy and sophistication.

Note; Planetary evolution on a biological basis, inevitably leads up to the above potential, if it can support intelligent life. When such a world obtains what may be described as “sufficient self realization and high vibration”, it then transforms sum total, crossing over major thresholds of feeling/intent, and “ascending” just as an individual such as Christ or Buddha did. The result of this is that a completely different and superior evolutionary route is taken by that race. It then becomes “one of the enlightened” races in an existing collection of like races throughout this galaxy. Whether or not we achieve this threshold, critical mass, and evolutionary test, will literally determine both our survival as a species, and our relevance in the galactic scope of things.

Via the group mind intent of Masters, an increasing sense of well being can then be manifest into this world or any other, bringing it to a certain critical mass of consciousness change. Realize this to simply be the projection of intent for spiritual purposes, with or without an herbal boost.

I invite you to discuss this matter with me, and I can supply more information on the mastery of intent, the expansion of consciousness and the conversion of the World Mind Intent. We MUST do this together, and with the combined force of our supreme and progressive positivity, we can raise each other up in vibration, clarity and energy. Best of all, we can raise this entire planet, especially if we convert the intent of others to do the same with us, in an alignment of ally-souls.

For related reading, request the Entheo Genius series,

See also;
The Perpetual Raising series,
Raising the World Mind series,
and the “Resurrection of the Higher Self” article, in the Library at…

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com

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