Of Master and Disciple

PART 1 of 5

PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  |  PART 4  |  PART 5  |  COMMENTARY

The following is a fictional account of a spiritual awakening with a factual basis.  This five part series is offered to promote and encourage the practices of the World Mind Society, making the reader aware of some of the potentials involved in this system.

A dusty traveler of faded robes, possessing little else but reed thongs and the distant, wide eyed look of many earnest seekers, one day came upon a spectacle that would change his life.  The barren hill upon which he stood lead a drunken, weaving path down a rocky slope,  to a grassy expanse at its base.  Many hundreds of people were gathered there.  Most had seated themselves around a pinnacle of large boulders spanning 60 feet across at their crest, which formed a natural speaking platform.  A few danced and whirled in traditional song in the distance, while the majority sat silently in contemplation.  Upon approaching gray, ancient boulders with weary steps,  his gaze rested with hopeful expectation upon a motionless figure in white seated upon them.  He had heard that this was the place frequented by the foremost adept of a famous Master.  It was said that He spoke of the nature of Truth, and performed healings of those who sought aid.

Some twenty feet above among small gray rocks, only the silent hood of a cloak was visible.  Suddenly, as the seeker approached near this white robed one, looking up at his calm presence with expectation,  a small gong was sounded.  Flutes and drums grew silent, and dancers immediately stopped wherever they stood as though they were one body suddenly brought to a halt.  All voices went mute, and the crowd turned in unison with an expression of reverence.  Surely this is the one I seek the pilgrim thought.  Upon realizing he was the only one standing so close to the rocks,  the seeker quickly began to lie prone, face down in fine dust and grass there, as a gesture of respect.  Yet in the midst of doing so, he was compelled to take one last look at the robed figure above.  To his surprise, eyes that seemed to glow with an inner radiance were focused directly upon him.  A pearl white hood was pulled back to reveal a noble countenance of jet black hair,  a short beard and streaks of gray at the temples.  Saying not a word, the figure gestured to the seeker to simply sit where he was.  Then turning to the assembled throng he spoke thus;

"Friends and devoted seekers, I speak today on behalf of my Master, and my Master’s Master.  It is He whom you may know quite well, for many have visited his ashrams throughout this land to receive gifts of wisdom.  At this time however, my Master is in seclusion, and will remain so in his advanced age.  I come among you to carry forth the Word, and to attempt in some small measure to carry on his work as well.  Know then that the work of my Master is not the path of his own creation.  It is one which has prevailed since the beginning of time, in the hearts and minds of all earnest seekers of Truth.  For within the temple of Truth resides the Teacher of Teachers, and the Master of Masters.   From this One Source,  even the Avatars and Gods receive their instruction.  None are higher than That which prevails throughout all of space and time.  The Truth that sustains the bodies wherein you now dwell, which likewise empowers the souls which inhabit them, is the same essence from which both the seen and unseen draw strength.  All must find their way through this One Means.  This is what is meant by the saying "All paths lead to God", for all paths are of God, leading inevitably back to God;  to Brahman that is the all-encompasser.  Embrace you that which is eternal and never fails, nor which ever finds exception to Its laws. Through this reap rewards of such sweetness, that they find no adequate comparison with the creations of man.   Find the Truth that resides within, just as it resides in all things, and in so doing realize the deep purposes of your own existence.  Doubt not that your purposes in Truth are deep.  In the depth of God were you born, and in the depth of God will you physically die, and yet live on.  The wise, who upon realizing this, find the sweetest path of life by seeking none else while still in a physical body.  Look you thus with the inner eye, upon the depth of God that is existence.  Guide the two outer eyes away from the sufferings that are the creations of man, to the true glory of life in God that is your spiritual inheritance.  Look well with the three eyes made one without bias, for there are treasures to be perceived in our own souls that exceed those of all the kings of kings who have ever lived, or ever will live.  Claim these treasures as your own, these aspects of Truth, for indeed they are the birthright of all conscious beings alike."

The Adept continued speaking after only a slight pause;  "The inner eye of the soul Sees as it does my friends,  through the instrument of your current body.  The essence of the soul forgets not that it is a Spark of the Fire of God.  Through this Spark it is the soul which Sees with precision into the nature of Truth, more so than the outer two, which are most often fixated upon the material world.  The soul is enabled to do this because the Spark that illuminates the inner world, is the same light which illuminates all of creation.  The soul is our immediate source of connection to the All-Pervading, and therefore to all Wisdom.  To know thyself is to know one’s true nature as soul.  To know soul is to know Consciousness, the All-Pervading.  To know soul is in turn to know God, and all that is of both the manifest and unmanifest.  Identify yourselves with Consciousness, and realize the Infinite that is Self and All".

The seeker looked up from a deeply contemplative, unfocused gaze at the rock face before him, to realize that the large crowd of some five or six hundred were now pressed close.  They encircled the boulders as closely as possible to hear the message given.  Their complete silence he thought, was due to the Adept’s profound message.  After a silent pause he realized it was also because of a commanding spiritual presence, that left no doubt in the mind of the listener, as to the embodiment of that very message.  A rustle of fabric from above focused the attention of the throng into a strong atmosphere of anticipation.  The Adept, standing upright with arms extended forward and palms revealed, spoke again;

"What I do next", he said, "I do in the manner of my Master, and his Master before him.  This is in accord with the unbroken chain of a lineage of teachings, which extends beyond written memory.  Know that what I now do is a manifestation of the soul, according to the Will of that Master of Masters of all ages and places, and which you as embodied souls may likewise do".  Having said this, the Adept looked up into a cloudless sky full of heat, and chanted "OM MANE PADME OM" in lingering,  clear,  intonations of one syllable after another.  Raised hands adjoined over his head as in prayer.  Many began to see a circle of light forming around his head, others over his entire body.  Some saw the many colors of the spectrum as in that of a rainbow, extending outward through the crowd and beyond by several miles, muffling their cries of delight in an attempt to remain respectful.  When the intonation ended, the Adept again extended his arms straight forward from the chest with palms upturned and eyes closed, slowly rotating his body 360 degrees.  As if the rocks below had themselves been uplifted, there began to radiate from the entire area a strong current of love, one that seemed to rise up from the Earth itself.  It swept through the crowd like a fresh breeze after a long awaited summer rain.  An almost imperceptible motion of bodies stirred the gathered mass, as though each were a blade of grass blown to and fro in unison. When only a few minutes of this had passed, many people knelt or dropped on the ground.   This was not immediately out of reverence, but a dizzy exaltation brought about by currents of Energy now passing through them.  A great many exclaimed the various names of God, promising fidelity in service.  Many called upon the names of Saints after prostrating themselves on the ground.  Around and around the Adept turned, now with directed palms and eyes wide open, looking into the faces of those few who still watched him.  He met every gaze with careful focus, leaving no doubt in the onlooker that every detail of heart and soul were perceived.  The dusty and tattered seeker was one of these, who stared with rapt awe at the wonder of the moment.

The seeker thought to himself that in these many years of travel,  the privilege of learning the wisdom of many Masters and Saints had been his.  The presence of Realized Ones was a sacred experience he had learned to accept as a regular facet of the spiritual landscape.  His intention now was as always  to learn and embody, to feel and receive blessings, so that someday enlightenment would come.  Despite his awe at the feelings of bliss present, reminding him of the presence found in sacred groves at the onset of spring, the seeker was never the less determined to witness every aspect of this demonstration.  He hoped to observe subtle secrets, in order to understand how he himself might one day accomplish such feats.

Unconsciously the seeker had raised his hands, joining them overhead in reaction to the sweetness of presence in the air.  It traveled in flashes as a strong current of Energy throughout his body.  After stating inwardly the desire to understand this sensation, it immediately became amplified.  These feelings summoned the realization that this same experience was in fact that found in Nature, and in the company of the Holy.  The perceptions of spiritual places and persons over the years began to take on a unity the seeker had not before realized.  Then insight took the place of awe.  Sacred groves, Temples and Saints flashed one after another before his mind’s eye.  They formed a continuity of feeling that was clearly related, as though they were the deep roots of a single tree.  Then the image of a robed teacher seated in a garden, instructing many devotees appeared to him.  To his surprise, the teacher was himself, as a possible portent of things to come.  He saw the Truth that all people are of God, and that all of them experienced a usually unnoticed communality with each other.

Upon having these realizations, the seeker experienced deep appreciation for all teachers of Truth, especially for the one before him now.  Just then, the Adept completed another full rotation at the boulder’s crest.  Piercing eyes came to look within those of the seekers'.  Immediately the two were united in a common knowingness.  Not only did the Adept perceive instantly the seeker’s realization, but that the seeker in turn knew he was thus perceived.  A smile of joy in the confirmation of all the years of effort spent in search and meditation crossed the seeker’s face, as he realized that he had found his true Master at last.  Pausing for a moment in this connection, of two souls having met on the roadway of the eyes, the Adept then sat again in meditational repose.

Now a physical wind stirred the large throng, and what felt like either an hour or a single minute passed without notice.  None stirred except one white robed man carrying a small brass gong.  As he passed through the gathering many sat up from their prone inner revels to see what would happen next.  The robed man, apparently a longtime student of the Adept, reached the center of this tree lined clearing near the boulders.  He struck the gong three times,  gaining the full attention of the assembly,  before the talk began anew.

"It is in the way of the lineage of teachers of which I am a part", began the Adept, "to demonstrate knowledge conveyed in a manner which can be experienced as well as understood.  Just as it is my Master’s wish that all those instructed would one day earn the responsible position of Master, so too is this my wish for you, dear seekers of Truth.  In demonstration it is hoped that the lessons of discourses given be made clear, if not in content, then certainly in degree of importance.  This demonstration of certain common Laws of Nature has been my privilege to in some part reveal, as an opportunity for further discussion".  Evident was the considerable interest of many eyes turned upward to the robed one, who had again pulled a gleaming hood over a focused brow.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 



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