The Crystallization of Truth

 There exists One Indivisible Truth, around which all other concepts and systems revolve.  Around this central Sun of Reality, every philosophy, religion and social ideal orbits without fail.  The search for this essential essence has been a primary focus for countless seekers, since before the beginning of civilization.  Without finding It, we wander in life like an amnesiac who has taken a severe blow to the head. Such a blow is usually dealt by the social misconceptions of the present age.  Spiritual amnesia results in a certain,  “tuning out” of the soul by the confused mind, upon entering society and its beliefs.  [Notable among these misconceptions are the false ideals of materialism and social economic status.] We must remember who we really are, by valuing Truth above all other considerations.

 To pursue truth is to seek the "bottom line" of existence.  It is to search for those fundamental nuggets of underlying knowledge, which are themselves irreducible. The universality of these, "nuggets of basic knowledge", is the very quality that defines what a principle is and does.  A principle is a Law of Nature, one that is ever constant and unchanging, regardless of viewpoint.  As the basis of all systems of living ever devised, the principles of Truth  underlie the most revered texts of philosophy and religion worldwide. A strong source of confusion for the student of Truth, has always been the apparent contradictions found, when comparing the doctrines of one religion to another. The best way to obtain a realistic view of divergent spiritual writings, is to realize that all of these texts have been derived/inspired by the same fundamental laws of nature.  Thus the practitioner is advantaged by a study of all world religions and philosophies, when keeping in mind that they are each only approaches to Truth and God, and that there are innumerable approaches to the same underlying Reality of existence. With diverse perspectives on the same universal principles, the progressive seeker will draw from a large variety of practices, to fully benefit their own.  Better still, the student of truth may apply, to those principles themselves,  without the need of any specific system, thereby transcending all practices and rituals, for the sake of an “uncolored” understanding.  In this they may obtain an undistracted application of Natural and Spiritual Law, that is free of the burdens of dogma.

            The embodiment of Truth, it has been said, "Is its own reward".  In fact, the more Truth is personally realized and embodied, the greater are its benefits regardless of apparent sacrifice.  For is it truly a sacrifice to spend quiet time each day to discover Reality, in order to find inner peace, clarity and meaning in life?  Is it truly a sacrifice to apply the lessons learned in introspection, to create love, wisdom and benefit, even if this implies a change of lifestyle?  These are the questions we must each ask of ourselves, and as a race.  In so doing we may take that course of living which genuinely suits our true nature as souls.  For in reality we all desire the states of love and bliss, clarity and personal empowerment, which only a focus on the spiritual, (God/Consciousness) will provide.  The inherent nobility of the human spirit, is a reflection of the nobility of Cosmic Order, as a matter of natural fact.  Also a fact however, is the impoverished state of modern society.  The choice between these, between the world we wish to bring about and the "norm" which currently exists,  is one of lifestyle, personal focus and of course, what Intent we employ.  The option of materialism is that of immediate gratification, though ultimate destruction.  The path of self realization is perhaps of slower immediate result, but also of accumulated strength, wisdom, and the survival of our race as a whole.  These choices will be the measure of our fitness as an intelligent species to represent Natural Law.   Let us each consider them well.

            It has often been thought that with knowledge of spiritual practice comes enlightenment.  This is not necessarily, nor even usually the case.  Knowledge is only a tool which can be used to fulfill any goal, be it constructive, destructive, or trivial.  Many of the modern uses of technology which are quite arguably disastrous, are a testimony to this fact.  Our ever increasing knowledge of the sciences is no guarantee of their wise application.  We are learning that to possess a tool, no matter how sophisticated it is, does not necessarily mean that one also possesses the enlightenment to use it beneficially.  The same is often true of spiritual knowledge as well.  Although any religious institution, (for instance) may teach one thing to its adherents, its actions worldwide may be quite the opposite. It has often happened that the teachings of the Masters of all ages, have been quoted for purposes unworthy of their original Intention.  Such teachings have been used as a justification for war, for the creation of institutional dogma and political gain.  They have often not been used for the enlightenment of the people, but to sustain a social power base for those few who seek political control.

            It is not knowledge itself then, of Truth, soul or God, which necessarily results in right living.  It is the motivation to apply universal fact, on its own basis and merit, which is primarily responsible for spiritual gain.  In this sense it is perhaps better to have less knowledge of spiritual principles, while possessing a pure Intent that seeks with an earnest, unbiased focus.  This state of living causes far less damage than having deep knowledge, and using it for material ends only. Such a use of Truth however, can only be temporary.  God and Nature ultimately support only those uses of Truth which are in accord with natural and spiritual laws.  All other focuses must eventually find their demise in self destruction. Truth is indeed its own reward, but is best applied on its own universal terms, and never in accord with the limitations of ego, personality, dogma or material gain.  Truth may be recognized for its universality, and so too may sincere spiritual practitioners in their universal application of it. Those who advocate the reservation of Truth for a select few, or for purposes not beneficial to all equally, are those who slander the words of the Masters for their personal gain.  The selfish ideals advocated by such persons will ultimately fail.

            The word "spiritual"  refers to that which is of, or pertaining to, spirit.  “Spirit” is another word for soul in the personal sense.  In general it is a word which denotes the presence or essence of God, That Intelligence which pervades Nature, or the Consciousness at large in the universe.  To live in Truth we must apply to that which is of Spirit, of soul and God, for the best benefit of all humanity.  To do this it is essential that the right personal and collective focus be used.  This needs to be done with all progressiveness and Naturalness of Intent in daily affairs.  With the use of Natural Intentions, (according to the highest welfare for all) in place, a Great New Era for the world will be ushered in.

 With the right Intent in motion, Awareness is then focused properly upon the true self and Natural Law.  In so doing a basic principle of Consciousness is put to best use, which is; that which is focused upon is that which is done, (manifest).  What we focus on is what we create and enhance moment to moment.  Awareness, directed by Intent, forms the patterns for personal and world events.  Therefore, what we do with our focus, (Awareness) and its underlying motives, (Intent) is truly all important.  We can and do have significant impact, not only within our own personal lives as conscious beings but also upon world events, without ever stepping foot outside the front door.  With this knowledge of Consciousness, (Truth) we begin to gain greater insight into the ancient  saying; "The Master does nothing, and yet leaves nothing undone".  We are as the embodied concentration of the same essence which flows throughout the universe.  This means we create just as the universe does, (and not just within physical, material existence) with every thought and emotion.

            The seeking out of Truth, is a process which finds real solutions for both personal and planetary questions.  Recognize it by its universality.  When asking, "What is Truth, and what is not of Truth?", regarding any given question, see if the conclusion gained is a universal one.  If the answer applies as a principle to all times, places, people and circumstance, then it is indeed the ever-prevailing Truth.  If the conclusion had is specific to time and place, or exclusive of certain people, then know this conclusion to not be of the Truth. 

            Spiritual inquiry is of the deepest kind. It involves successive personal realizations whose effectiveness spring not so much from answers gained, but from the right questions asked.  When we find that the answers to the questions of life seem lacking, it is not because Truth is itself inadequate.  It is because the questions posed are insufficient.  We must then seek out the right questions, (those which are truly pertinent to obtaining wisdom) before the process of finding real answers to life may begin.  To do this,  always seek out the "bottom line" of any inquiry.  Ask for the solutions to the most fundamental of life's questions.  From the answers gained to these inquiries, we find all those of lesser scope answered implicitly.  To ask “bottom-line questions” is to determine the entire range of their possible application.  For instance, rather than asking what the cause of a given fear is, inquire as to the root of all fear itself.  Rather than asking what will solve a given social problem ask, what causes all social conflict to start with.  Rather than asking why a given thought or feeling has crossed the mind, inquire as to the source of all thoughts and emotions.  Ascertain the cause of physical disease or mental imbalance, rather than how to address given symptoms of disorder.  Because Truth is fundamental, inquiry into its nature should also be fundamental.  With this in mind, the bottom line of any question may be found by a focus on causes, rather than effects.  Seek out that which is of source, and not just of symptom. 

            Much of the inability of modern science and government today, to find real solutions to social ills, is that the institutions of our time are asking questions about the symptoms of social imbalance, rather than the causes.  From such inquiry there can only be devised pseudo-solutions which are short term in nature.  Ultimately, to only address symptoms of imbalance is to reap results which end in major crisis.  This fact is evidenced in modern approaches to mainstream medicine, social reform, politics, psychology, environmental purification, agriculture, international relations and countless other areas of inquiry.  Only through the bottom line answers to our modern questions will we find Truth, and therefore lasting solutions.  Because of the currently misguided attempts of government and other institutions to provide only temporary solutions to modern ills, it is the people themselves who, based on their own judgment and careful inquiry, must redirect the course of society.  It is up to the people to empower themselves through their own realization of the Truth, so that humanity may once again find its balance in natural wisdom.  In seeking out the bottom line of the modern condition, we will bring new light upon the issues of our time, illuminating all doubt with newfound clarity. 

            The study of consciousness is the "ultimate bottom line" of all inquiry, into the Truth of both self and existence. From the Cause that is the consciousness we inherently possess, all the effects witnessed in our lives are made reality. It is therefore up to us to create the kind of society that is worth living in, through a greater mastery of consciouness.

Consciousness is the primary and first cause of all action, and for this reason we may learn the most from its study.  As a subject it becomes even more important when we consider the fact that we are Consciousness at the basis of our being.  This is why effective social reform as well as wise personal practice, always starts with self realization.   No other consideration is thus more relevant, than the "keeping of one’s own house in order", through a mastery of Consciousness.  Without doing so, the capability for right action is lost.  It matters not if we live under the direct guidance of the most evolved teachers, governments or institutions; it is our own inner state of being which is the most relevant consideration in all aspects of living.  Our inner state must remain one of love and clarity for us to See clearly into the nature of reality.  In this way we are enabled to shine the inner light on the outer world, thereby transforming it as well.  

            The above implies that the making of right decisions, can only be based on a perspective  which encompasses all religious and philosophical points of view.  Only Truth itself provides that opportunity.  In applying Truth with respect to its principles, or in other words with respect to Natural Laws, we may actually take responsibility for ourselves and the world in general, (in the context of their real importance).  Even when we gain inspiration from scriptural studies, meditation, spiritual events or an enlightened speaker, that inspiration cannot last indefinitely without the inner Intent of personal Mastery, found through an embrace of Truth.  A study of Consciousness enables this, for in the right use of Energy, the appropriate focus of Awareness, and the right employment of Intent, the very ability to render benefit to self and others is enhanced.  In the expansion of personal Consciousness, the practitioner realizes even more fully the need for spiritual practices, for themselves and the world. It is then that the practitioner also begins to understand the need for spiritual ministry.  In the lending of aid to others, using an Intent of best benefit to all people worldwide, we gain a reinforcement of our own process of Consciousness expansion. To teach the Truth of the soul, is in turn to be taught by the student, the process of teaching, and Natural Law.  This is the Truth our souls know; Our purpose is to  expand  consciousness,  individually and worldwide.  

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 


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