The Attributes of mass consciousness
and its relationship to Intent

Consciousness may be discussed using the analogy of a flashlight.  Consciousness is composed of three elements which are; Energy, Awareness and Intent. Awareness is like a flashlight at night.  through this medium,

Whatever we focus our attention upon is illuminated and revealed. Our energy is the light itself,
and that which points the flashlight is Intent .

Consciousness, and how it organizes group minds

A group mind is analogous to a cluster of cells which compose a body. Each cell has its own individual consciousness, (composed of intent, awareness and energy)

which has its specialized function for the organism of which it is a member. Multi-cellular organisms exhibit far greater capacities and abilities than do single celled organisms, for the simple reason that there is vast power inherent in cooperation and specialization. A group of like minded individuals is essentially no different, in that each person contributes the essence of their focus, (awareness) will, (intent) and force of motivation, (energy) to the group effort. For this reason groups of persons are far more powerful by potential, than a collection of separated individuals. Their "group space" or mind, is geometrically more powerful than an equivalent number of individuals who are not aligned in joint purpose, and indifferent to one another.

In any group setting, be it cellular, community-wide or in such a case as international relations, any task may be more easily carried out through cooperation. At each level, group mind effects are observable.

The advantages of cooperative action have to do with the principle of natural law known as specialization. When the members of any collective specialize in their functions, the distribution of "labor" in the accomplishment of any task is made more efficient. The reason for this is simple. When a group is composed of specialized individuals, then all are freed to perform their specialized
duties without distraction by other considerations. 

Non-cooperating individuals who act alone, are forced to do everything in life for themselves, which means they cannot afford to specialize (and do one single task extremely well). They must address
all the tasks of life simultaneously every day. This tends to be an inefficient method of living.

In a situation such as a tribal village however, specific duties are carried out by certain members for the good of the whole.  Some are involved with catching or growing food, others with its preparation, as well as the making of clothing, building, organizing and conducting spiritual events.  An individual must do all of these things to stay healthy, which is a comparatively enormous burden of labor. 

To be singular is to waste energy, and to have ones' attention (awareness) divided into the diverse categories of many daily tasks.  Cooperating individuals become like the organs of a greater body  thus formed, whenever those of a like mind come together. Cooperation affords many more advantages than does individual effort for this reason, because the load of essential tasks is divided up
interconnectedly, with the good of the whole, (the many)  being the first priority.  From such an arrangement each individual is vastly benefited and strengthened by the collective.  Ultimately, and by taking the example of  nature, this is the Intent and method we must employ on a social, planetary basis.

We are as cells in the body of the World Mind. When we come together as groups with a specific focus, we form what is analogous to tissues, muscles and organs within the planetary body. At present, there is a particular need for groups, (organs) of persons who specialize in that aspect of
consciousness expansion known as clarity.  In other words, there is a great need in the world for certain of its members, to take on the function of the "higher brain centers",  for this World Mind to which we belong. Our species
needs a specialized organ or "brain", which is capable of psychically guiding the rest of the body of humanity into a future that is not only inclusive of  enlightened intentions, but also our continued evolution and true spiritual progress.

Our spiritual progress also depends on a planetary "heart" being formed by individuals who radiate love.  Our mutual love can be so strong that its effects defy the imagination. Both of the above types of psychic specialists, will act in unison to "channel" and transform the mindstates and Intent of the rest of humanity. Through this psychic channeling the Body that is our species will be moved in unison on a psychic, (unified field) level. The Intent of world connectivity via spiritual Intent, will be manifest on higher and higher levels, as the continuous standing reality.

The group mind principle, (of natural law) is as follows, "the resulting force generated from the combining of like minds, is geometrically greater than the sum of its parts". In other words, minds which are focused together upon a common theme, create a mutual force which is not merely additive, but vastly more powerful than any one individual or group of individuals. Group mind influence is in fact, a multiplying effect, expanding by factors of ten or more. 

It is a mode of relating that is mutually beneficial and spiritual in nature, as distinguished from the usual person to person separateness or loneliness seen today. For this reason, our need as a species and as individuals, is to recognize that our society functions according to the group mind principle. Every couple, family, neighborhood, community, region, city, company, sporting event,
nation, music band, meditation group, and meeting of two or more persons in like cause, exhibit group mind phenomena to a significant degree.

Given the prevalence of group mind influence, we must make best use of its love and clarity-multiplying effects,  if we are to realistically expect to survive the new millennium. We must come together as groups of spiritually minded persons, who employ the Intent of mutual benefit, the awareness of our global community, and the direction of inner energy for the sake of building a better world.

Groups of meditators may specialize in their function/intent for the good of the local group mind, (which they form while in meditation). Two or more persons may meet and first meditate, (see GM series #3 in the WMS Library, (http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest ).  They may then send feelings of love and clear seeingness/wise understanding, (clarity) to all the other participants.

These other participants will in turn send their love and clarity to each individual. A psychic "area of effect" then arises, surrounding the group as a type of collective aura. This aura is similarly composed of love and clarity, as a result of the projected intents of each meditator. At a critical moment the group will see itself as one singular, conscious entity, which is capable of rendering simultaneous action, through the medium of several meditating body/minds. This is known as "group casting" or "group manifestation". Groups should use the Intent of "raising the world" via the mediums of love and high feelings, as well as clarity. The World mind collective intention, may in this fashion be raised, (in levels of consciousness) via the Intentions of such groups and individual meditators around the world. We must Intend a critical mass type of transformation, whereby the mindstates, feelings, intentions and thought patterns of our collective are shifted. The body of humanity must be coordinated and transformed by those who are willing to specialize within this body, “to perform such functions” as the generation of Love and Clarity for all humanity.

Whenever the idea crosses your mind, send forth love and/or clarity to the world. During this moment, Intend love and clarity be sent to each person who has read this article. Don't over-analyze how to do this sending of love and clarity just yet, merely have confidence that it will be sent, and in turn received from others. Just relax, feel, and visualize an interconnected web of light, between the readers of this page. Let this visualized network(ing), which extends around the world, represent pathways whereby love and clarity are being mutually transmitted, jointly received, and then re-transmitted at an even greater level of intensity, with each minute that  passes. Let love and clarity grow among us throughout the world in a domino-like succession.

Let these qualities travel from person to person like a great interconnecting wave, which mutually reinforces and builds.   

We will in effect, "raise each others consciousness" daily in this way. The effects of this meditation will be increasingly potent and cumulative to a high degree. In the mean time, study the GM series in the WMS library, http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest to learn more about the specifics of group mind and Intent.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com 

The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest 


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