Consciousness is the Key of Keys

A Basic Primer for Group Mind Action

The mutual empowerment of which I speak, and which could save this divided world, is an ancient precedent set by Nature. It flows through a grove of trees just as it exists in any human community. This essence of life to which I refer, is the primary source of unity for all time. Particle physics describes it, as do the sages and poets of ancient texts. It is the felt embrace of lovers in their shared passion, even when they are thousands of miles from each other. It is the bond between Druid and nature, between the shaman and their animal-spirit allies. It is the "atmosphere" of any inspired music concert, the heightened joy of group celebration. This mutuality of feeling and intention is Einstein's' Unified Field, who said that, "the only lasting way to change the world is to change its' consciousness"...for the subatomic realm of particle and wave has deep effect upon us all. People who speak of, "the oneness of all things" refer also to that which passes between those who meditate or pray together earnestly. The unity of mood, of excitement, is that which can be readily felt during team sporting events. It is the charged presence of the woods in springtime, the fury of the mob, the gravitational effects exerted by any emotional crowd or social movement. It is the flow of emotional conviction from speaker to crowd, and the group spell-casting power of the coven. It is the school of fish and the flock of birds, in their extraordinary synchronization of motion….

I refer of course, to the consciousness we all possess. No one can honestly deny the intimate psychic effects, which constantly pass from person to person. There is not a single human being alive who has not felt the contrast of felt experience between love/admiration, and fear/hatred from another. Everyone understands the difference of psychic effect between these, and likewise knows which is of greater mutual benefit. Everyone is aware of the experiential contrast between argument and accord.

Knowing this, is it not our greatest need and privilege to learn about the consciousness which we, and all other human beings are? Is it not our essential task to carefully wield that force of consciousness, upon which all of nature is likewise based?

So I ask you, spiritual teachers, shamans, druids, meditators, the progressive minded and those who pray with a purity of heart, is it not time that we intentionally and consciously helped one another using this knowledge?

For example, the shaman or druid has knowledge of aligning themselves with the spirit(s) found in nature. This alignment is a felt, psychically established thing. Also felt is the act of the shaman extending themselves to a patient, (or at least providing a conduit to the healing forces of nature). The shaman INTENDS to exact benefit upon the recipient of their spiritual work. If a shaman can align themselves with aspects of nature or with a patient, why then can they not align themselves with other shamans for the sake of mutual empowerment?

If Wiccans can align themselves with such essences as air, earth fire and water, (as a felt, psychically established thing) then why not with each other for the sake of group empowerment? Why not "cast, (intend) spells of empowerment" simultaneously, upon one another?

If a prayer or Reiki circle can aid the sick and bring in energy to those in need, why then can it not also be used to boost each others level and refinement of consciousness?

If a group of meditators gather together to meditate more deeply, and with more profound results due to the group setting, then why not consciously and knowingly employ this force of collective consciousness, for the sake of mutual upliftment?

In its' simplest form, mutually uplifting effects can be enjoyed between people simply by intentionally holding others in the minds' eye, while using favorable feelings and thoughts. But why stop there? Why not intentionally cultivate high feelings in ones' self, and then learn to intend these upon others for the sake of their highest benefit? Even better still, why not intend upon others progressive joy, the greatest high, ever improving clarity and feelings of inner strength? There is much to learn about this subject, and I encourage the reader to have patience with its' study.

Imagine also that the recipient of your intent similarly projecting high feelings and images upon you at the same time…something extraordinary starts to happen then. What happens is that a mutual flow of enlightening energy is established…a reciprocating field of "positive vibe" is set up, that can have very progressive results. As person "A" uplifts person "B" with their spiritual intention, "B" is then better enabled to uplift "A" in turn. "A" can then offer even greater psychic aid to B, at which time B then "raises" the state of A even more, and so forth, without end. Two people can climb to high levels of consciousness together in this way, with the only limit being what their minds and bodies are prepared to handle. Add in a third person to this meditation and you've got a three-way reciprocating field, where A, B and C, all raise each others' consciousness to potential degrees that are geometrically greater than two people alone. Four practitioners have an even greater effect and so forth, especially when all involved have sufficient self-knowledge to wield intent with competence. Imagine what a hundred might accomplish, or even thousands, once they possessed enough skill to handle the tremendous energy and spiritual potential involved!

Best of all, one can intend spiritual upliftment upon others to such a degree, and with such high intent, that they are inspired, (catalyzed may be a better word) to reach such states of consciousness as that of a Buddha or a Christ. Can this really be done, the reader may ask? Yes it can…if one person can attain such a level of consciousness as a Christ or a Buddha, then so too can others, ("you too can do as I"). In essence, a Christ or a Buddha is only a level of consciousness attained, (realized). A Christ then, is just a higher level of consciousness than what the ordinary person has cultivated. A Buddha is likewise not a different type of being than we, just one which has refined that innermost part of their selves to a degree most others have not. Furthermore, there is no logical reason whatsoever to think that two or more persons, with sufficient intent and self-realization, cannot achieve such states of consciousness together. In fact, given the extraordinary benefits of reciprocating mutual intention, it should be EASIER to hold such high levels of consciousness in tandem, than it would be to hold them alone. What then might be the exemplary accomplishments of an association of Christs or Buddhas? What of an entire world composed of such spiritual Masters?

When two good friends get together, especially after a long absence from one another, there's a definite flow of positive feelings and intention which both enjoy. This is a reciprocating field of energy, awareness and intention that enhances each person in a two-way fashion. But why stop at this level of, (usually) subconscious rapport? Why not acknowledge the fact of this Unified Field of interpersonal phenomena, and act upon it at a conscious level? Why not make such knowledge a spiritual practice? Why must human beings, (usually) take months if not years to develop such a rapport with one another, when they could simply decide upon good and spiritual will and intend it into place at a moments' notice?

When a child feels the mood of their parents at any given moment, they are deeply affected at a psychic level of being. [Children are inherently sensitive this way, and so too would adults be, if they would only focus upon their state of being at a conscious level.] There is clearly a strong rapport between parent and child, and for that matter between siblings, which no one can honestly deny. The same energy of consciousness also flows between pets and their human "owners". So why must we, as a culture, go on denying that there is such a thing as psychic connections between people, animals and the environment at ALL TIMES, when in fact we are literally surrounded by examples of these in everyday life? When will we learn to harness this natural law of the group mind, which is really the resonance of nervous systems, souls and mental energies?

When a band takes the stage, they know when they're "in the groove", or in sports-talk, "in the zone". It's a felt thing of particle physics, which represents a real interplay of personal energies. It's commonly known that mutual performance on stage is greatly enhanced through a cohesive mutual focus. It is this mutuality of focus that enables smooth group action. Accomplished performers are enabled to be their best through such rapport. Band members align with one another psychically whether they realize this fact or not, and it is through such alignment that they can bring forth their most brilliant performances. Such felt mutuality, (also known as "synergy") is a combination of the consciousness of all component members into a great whole. That whole is truly greater still than the sum of its' parts, (the group mind principle). Our own bodies are perfect examples of such cooperation at the cellular level…without group mind rapport the body immediately begins to die. With strong group mind morale at the cellular level on the other hand, we enjoy robust health and vigor. Likewise, the best teams in professional sports are those whose individual talents are synergistically combined via the group mind of the TEAM. Without a team consciousness, even the best of players can never realize their full potential of play, without cultivating a psychic at-one-ment with their teammates, whether they realize this fact or not. But why stop at the playing of fine music or winning team action, when considering the use of this knowledge of consciousness? Why not take this information to its' very highest level of application, which is the mutual expansion of consciousness for the sake of spiritual benefit?

Naturally, becoming proficient at psychically raising the consciousness of other people is a learned skill, just as is the raising of one's own state. It takes considerable self-knowledge to do well, and yet, even the beginner can render excellent effects. After all, we each know what it feels like to be in a friendship…the positive and uplifting feelings involved are common experience. Just by intentionally projecting high feelings to another by imagining that they are a friend to be trusted, is something even the novice can do with relative ease. Another avenue to take is to meditate together. Anyone can learn to meditate, and meditating together renders positive mutual effects, primarily because the meditational state is itself beneficial. When a person is in beneficial states of being, they psychically affect others in a resonantly beneficial fashion. Add to this natural effect an awareness of mutual resonance, (group mind feeling and intention) to meditation or picturing friendship together, and the psychic effects created for each other are multiplied many times over. Demonstrate this principle of natural law for yourself…try picturing someone you're going to be around for the next hour as an incredibly strong, capable and super-positive person. In your mind, superimpose this image over the physical person you see with your eyes. Feel the truth of this projected intention as strongly as possible for added effect. Be persistent, and do this with unwavering focus for at least 15 minutes. Then notice how that person is somehow strengthened, vitalized and made more capable. Notice too, that upon repeated applications of this exercise, the subject person is made cumulatively stronger over time. [Hint; the best results will be noticed when the subject person is not distracted by engaging activities.}

Some will inevitably argue that to project such benefit upon others without their knowledge is an "invasion of privacy" or some such reasoning. But the fact of the matter is that each and every time we even casually think or feel something about another, we're deeply influencing them. It is part of our nature as human beings to affect everyone around us…we're all "psychic transceivers" that can never be turned completely off. We might as well accept this fact and DEAL with it intelligently. When you think the person can handle it, by all means tell them about this practice, and encourage them to do the same for you in return. It's precisely when such a practice becomes mutual, that it begins to realize its' higher potentials…

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com
The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest
Further suggested reading in the WMS Library on this subject;
"The Group Mind", (GM) 12 series
"The Perpetual Raising" series
The article; "Let Us Manifest Together"

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com
The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest

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