Eternal Solutions for a Temporary Society (Part 2)

The Mental

When we look around our world today, what do we see?  Objectively, we see much suffering in the world, many wars, much inequality and hardship of all kinds.  Most of this inequality and difficulty comes from the wrong use of our mental energy. 

Yet at the same time when we look deeply within, we witness the great potential to excel in brilliant genius.  We see that these human minds are capable of expressing such greatness, that it could outshine all that has ever been known in history, or ever imagined by the most optimistic science fiction writers.  

Through our intelligence we’ve created genetic engineering and concentrated pharmaceuticals. Yet, through a lack of wisdom we don’t yet realize it is better to work with the natural design of life, rather than re-designing it according to short-term profit margins.  Through our intelligence we have created advanced computers and electronics, and yet, through our lack of wisdom we apply these more to war, than we do to growing healthy food or building better libraries.

We can realistically see that humanity is faced with a number of crucial choices.  These will determine which global fate our species will ultimately live out…extinction in self-confusion, or enlightenment in honest wisdom.  Our choices range between cultural egotism and the shallowness of today’s profiteering, to living for the higher purposes of the Cosmos, in the gaining of spiritual Mastery. One might be inclined to say that this choice is obvious, making the whole discussion absurd.  It is indeed self-evident that one of these alternatives offers so much more than the other. Yet, even though we know what to do and how to do it, we feel “caught up” in the cultural delusion of “things equal fulfillment” and “governments (authority figures) equal security”.  

There is no better way to address the choices of life than to realize the exact nature of Truth, and how that truth may be applied day to day.  Clarity in truth allows us to choose our ultimate destiny, by remaining informed of our spiritual purposes here on this planet. Only by embracing the cosmic truth that is everywhere and always present, may we reverse the present course of historical self-destruction.  Through truth we will again find true fulfillment of spiritual purpose, cooperation and unity in love. We need only focus our minds toward the cosmic goal of further evolution. This means focusing daily upon spiritual progression, and applying this focus to everything we do our daily lives, without exception.

Let us recall then the exact nature of truth, as we discussed in Part 1 of this series, and its manifestation in nature.  

Firstly, truth is eternal.  It is not subject to personal viewpoint, whim or social norm.  The beliefs of the many are not what determines truth…IT remains constant regardless of humanity, just as IT always has throughout the history of this planet.  If truth were subject to human whim, then how did this planet function 2 billion years ago, when there were no humans around to have opinions about it?  How were the trees able to grow and animals able to flourish and reproduce? How did fire burn or water flow? How did the laws affecting the molecular bonds in organic chemistry, sustain the pulsing of blood through veins, before human beings were able to classify medicine?  How did crystals form and mountains build, before geology?  The answer is simple. Truth is what structures reality, not society..  IT is that composite of natural laws, which functioned long before IT ever generated human beings.  IT will be in existence long after we have either gone extinct, or evolved into a higher form.  Truth does not need us to function.  But we most certainly DO NEED IT to survive as a species, and exercise our full potential as spiritual beings.

Opinion is irrelevant to natural law.  The imbalances in the environment and in the human body around the globe today, are the direct result of ignoring truth in favor of artificial ideals.  One such artificial concept which ignores the purpose of life, is that human beings are here to be served by nature, according to whatever whim we happen to fancy on any given day. We imagine that nature is nothing more than “natural resources” to be made into playthings.  Such thinking is a grave error.  That error of mind which we commit, is primarily responsible for all the selfish motives of wars and domestic discord.  It is based upon the assumption that all good things in life come at a monetary cost, and that life itself is merely a commodity to be bought and sold. This is the materialistic point of view, which sees no higher value for existence than that found in commodities, (material objects).  “Consumerism” draws its values from the concept that the universe is just a mechanism devoid of intelligence or Spirit, and given this reasoning, why bother to live spiritually?  This is why materialism is destroying our world, like no other false belief. It assumes that natural beings are exploitable stockpiles of organic flesh, and that even we are merely mechanisms, (physical bodies) which are to be treated like machines…a collection of “parts” that are replaceable and expendable.  The purposes of life go far beyond “parts and profit margins”. 

When we realize that truth is not a personal thing, which is not bent or consumed according to our fickle whims, it is then that we may mature into spiritual adulthood.

For the sake of necessary emphasis, the following passage from Part 1 is included:
“It is popular to refer to “my truth and your truth” as though truth is relative to the individual.  Many use the analogy of the three blind men, who one day touch an elephant.  The one touching the leg declares, “An elephant is sturdy, strong, supple and pillar-like”.  The second upon hearing this while holding a tusk declares, “No you are mostly wrong.  An elephant is strong alright, but very rigid, hard and long”.  The third fool, holding only the elephant’s tail, emphatically denounces both points of view, saying, “the elephant is a spindly, but very agile creature”.  Amazingly, many use the elephant and three blind men analogy, to defend their view that truth is relative to the observer.  For obvious reasons, this thinking is faulty.  It first assumes that human beings are blind, and that they have only one method of determining the whole truth at their disposal.  Second, it assumes that human perception is the epitome of reality, as its very basis of existence.  This is also reflected by the popular question, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound?”  Of course it does. Third and most importantly, it denies the essential reality of an elephant from an elephant’s experience.  Very few bother to consult with the elephant as to what an elephant is, just as very few bother to find out what reality is, devoid of any social preconception.”

There is only one truth as reflected by nature, not many.  It is the primary task of the spiritual practitioner to clearly see that One Truth, and then wisely apply IT in daily living.  To do this it is necessary to utterly and unconditionally reject the social norms we have been taught are unquestionable.  Modern beliefs are the cause of almost all mental illness, and most physical illness. They are simply too small to hold any significant measure of reality. To reject them is comparable to finding the cure for cancer on the mental level.  Only when we are cured of the disease of modern social beliefs, can we excel in true mental, spiritual or physical health.

Truth is composed of interactive natural laws, such as polarity, (male/female-electron/proton) group mind synchronicity and spectrums.  Also included are the potentials of energy, the effect of focused awareness, the manifesting properties of intent, the geometry of galactic spirals/DNA/crystalline molecular structures), photosynthesis, cell division, how memory is stored and how creatures evolve.

The truth speaks to us, saying;  “we are not the citizens of nations, but the citizens of galactic cause”. We are not “Americans”, “Japanese”, “Afghanis”, “Europeans”, “Indonesians” “Asians” or any other such artificial distinction.  By the same token we are not “Muslims”, “Christians”, “Jews”, “Buddhists”, “Hindus”, “Wiccans”, “Atheists” or “Agnostics”.  These distinctions exist only in the illusion prone mind.  They are nothing more than artificial constructs that have to be learned, since they are not genetic. All such distinctions were invented by human minds, ones that ignored the central cause and purpose of life.  In essence they ignored the fragment of God within, and created instead a special distinction for themselves amongst all the people of the world, where none truly exists. If they did not create such a special distinction, then their followers would have no need to refer to themselves by special titles. 

We are all CONSCIOUNESS, as is all of nature. The reader of this page is consciousness, as a center of Intent that directs awareness to read, which in turn causes energy to flow in the mind, aura and world. This is our true identity.  We seem to forget that by becoming hypnotized by man-made ideas.  Nationalism, religion and culturalism are not, and never were, real.

The purpose of life is evolution, especially through the expansion of consciousness.  

To get a better perspective of Truth, it is always useful to look to the larger scope of REALITY, of which we are a part.  The trouble modern human beings experience in accepting the truth, stems from being “caught up” in the assumptions of the world culture in which we were born.  This culture tells us that materialism, nationalism and/or culturalism is all there is.  By materialism we are told to “get what you can while you can, because life is short”.  By nationalism we are told that “ we are the superior race with the superior ideology, to which all other peoples in the world are held to be inferior"” By culturalism we are told, “our culture must survive because its memories are precious, and we do things this way because this is how they have always been done” (implying that right action is a thing you memorize, rather than a thing you live out, regardless of past norms). Needless to say, these are very destructive attitudes, which care only for immediate gratification at any cost, or for very rigid modes of behavior which are not progressive.  They ignore the fact that Nature/God has its own purposes which humans have yet to outdo.  Nor are they ever likely to outdo that Cosmic Purpose of evolution any time soon.  

One need only be in the appropriate state of consciousness (while valuing truth) to receive, know and manifest wisdom.  For this reason, we need only cultivate higher states of consciousness as our life focus, rather than trying to apply our lives to human systems that are inherently flawed.  The advanced spiritual practitioner is one who belongs to no one nation, religion, philosophy or culture.  They belong simultaneously to all and yet none of them, recognizing that the larger truth is held only partially in each system of living.  Partial truth is just not enough to live in accord with the Cosmos.

It is often far easier for any person to see themselves through another’s eyes.  Through familiarity and routine we become blinded to the reality that is right before us.  From a fresh perspective that is unbiased, we see ourselves more accurately and from a larger perspective.  We will not get beyond all bias until we identify ourselves with the true self or soul, that is consciousness.  There is no bias in such a state of being, only clear, direct perception.  Meditate on the Intent and Awareness within, AS SELF, (rather than thought, culture or memories), and find the answers to all of life’s “mysteries”. 

The same may be said of humanity as a whole.  When we see ourselves from a Cosmic perspective, the world’s problems are immediately “transformed” from being apparently “unsolvable”, to being both obvious and simply addressed. When we see the modern condition from a galactic viewpoint or from a would-be alien’s perspective for instance, all of our human biases tend to easily fall away.  We can then witness the truth of our world civilization, as well as the details and motives of our daily lives in much clearer detail.  Doing this is what I call using the proper “perspective”.

To get a feel for the broadened perspective of Truth, let us look at excerpts from Carl Sagan’s writings, (astrophysicist, philosopher, NASA coordinator, now deceased).  The following is taken from his 13 part, televised science series; Cosmos;
“The number of stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone, are estimated to be in the range of 300-400 billion”. If each system were to have about ten planets as ours does, the total number of worlds in this Galaxy would be more than a trillion, a vast arena for the cosmic drama.”

“Experiments show that under the most common cosmic conditions, the molecular basis of life is readily made.  The building blocks of molecules are [therein] able to make copies of themselves.  We choose f~1/3, implying a total number of planets in the Milky Way on which life has arisen at least once as N*FpNeFl~1x10(11th power)…[giving] a hundred billion inhabited worlds.    “Given certain estimates and mathematical probabilities”, Sagan estimates,…”only 1 percent of planets upon which life arises, eventually produce a technical civilization”.  [Even if ] “only one percent of those civilizations can survive technological adolescence…then the number of extant [intelligent and progressive] civilizations in our galaxy alone, is in the millions.” 

“The dimensions of the Cosmos are so large that using familiar units of distance such as meters or miles, (chosen for their utility in earth) would make little sense.  Instead, we [astronomers] measure distance with the speed of light.  In one second a beam of light travels 186,000 miles, …seven times around the Earth.  We can say then, that the Sun is eight light minutes away. In a year, light crosses nearly ten trillion kilometers, about six trillion miles, of intervening space.  [Distant galaxies are not just light years away, but thousands, tens of thousands, millions, and even billions of light YEARS away.  Such is the scope of REALITY of which we are a part.]
 And the probabilities given for life above, is only for our small and humble galaxy alone.  There are innumerable other galaxies in the Cosmos.  As our telescopes get more and more powerful, they simply see further and further into the infinite distances of the universe.  Therein lies tens of thousands of other galaxies that we can see, and no doubt unlimited trillions we cannot yet observe.   I submit to you the concept that the universe, regardless of “Big Bang” theories, is itself without end, and that it stretches without limit to vistas of galaxies, supernovas and intelligently inhabited worlds.  I also propose the idea, that there is no limit to “history” or “time”, and that the universe is of unlimited age.  If you doubt this then consider such logic…  If in fact the universe is finite in size, limited only to a given “area” then that must imply some kind of border, past which there is simply “nothing”.  What is this “nothing”?  Also, if “nothing” existed before the period prior to the “Big Bang” then what did exist?  I personally find it far more logical to assume that there is no limit to the size or time frame of this incredible universe in which we live.  Likewise, I see no limit in the potentials for greater and greater levels of consciousness which we can achieve, simply through right living and by intending them into place.  [see the Perpetual Raising series in the WMS Library at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest] Such an unlimited scope of universe and consciousness surely makes the distinctions of religion, culture and nationality all too petty.

With the above broadened perspective in mind, we can clearly realize that the modern human condition is neither the center of the universe, nor is it a cosmic given, whose course cannot be changed except through long and arduous process.  On the contrary, our problems are entirely self created at their base, and have relatively simple solutions. 

The modern problem is; we are using the wrong, (unnatural) intentions.  The modern solution is; we must employ natural/spiritual intentions.  It’s that simple. 

Modern society is a product of human thought, combined with the often wrong use of natural laws.  Our need is to change the false thoughts which underlie modern society.  All thoughts, feelings and images are created by intention.  When we master intention, we will simultaneously master thought, emotion, the body and all the underlying problems of our world society, in one single motion.

In meditation we once again REALIZE the full glory of the human potential, as souls in bodies.  We do this by realizing that we are not our thoughts.  These are something we create not something we are.  Likewise, our species is not defined by our collective thoughts.  Society is held together as it is, only through our continued belief in its artificial images.  The truth of both self and society is found in the consciousness within.  Consciousness, (Intent. Awareness and Energy) is the creator of ALL forms, both personal and social.  Rather than mistakenly investing our lives in social thoughts and images, let us invest ourselves instead in the creator within, which is responsible for them to start with. As we identify with the creator within, we then become creators of society in our own right, rather than just being the tools of corporate intentions. By introspectively accomplishing this true identification of self, we are again empowered to create whatever world we may so desire, within the bounds of natural law.
If you were a traveler from a distant star, here to visit this decidedly primitive species of “intelligent” life on Earth, how would you perceive it?  Would you see yourself as an “American” for instance, and get caught up in patriotic issues??  Would you feel suddenly compelled to wave flags and cheer on invading armies in the name of “Democracy”? No, of course not, you would consider that the height of primitive folly.  So should we!  We are galactic citizens, not the members of small cultures, nations, religions, traditions or philosophies.  None of these are fully equipped to encompass REALITY.  All of these are only techniques and approaches to the Truth, but they are not truth in and of themselves, to the extent that they limit, divide and make small, what should be of unlimited scope.  Such divisions do injustice to our unlimited human potential, as do we when we believe that they are reality.  If you were the intrepid, space traveling explorer of a thousand worlds, could you ever again cram your mind into the shoebox of “job title”, “nationality”, “political party”, or “cultural beliefs” and call this “self” again?  That would be impossible for you, and this perspective is exactly what we need to cultivate within each of us today.

Again I quote from Sagan’s Cosmos, in offering what an alien’s report of this planet might look like;

Civilization type:1.0 J.
Society Code: 4g4, “Humanity”.
Star: G2V, r=9.844 kpc
Planet: third, a=1.5x10 (to the 13th power) cm, M=6x10 (27th power) g, R=6.4x10 (8th power) cm
Extraplanetary colonies: none
Planet age: 1.45x10 (17th power) s.
First locally initiated contact: 1.21x10 (9th power) s ago.
Receipt first galactic nested code: application pending
Biology: C,N,O,S,H2O, PO4
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Mobile heterotrophs, symbionts with photosynthetic autotrophs.  Surface dwellers, monospecific, polychromatic O2 breathers.  Fe-chelated tetraoyroles in circulatory fluid.  Sexual mammals.
M~7x10 (4TH power) g, t~2x10 (9th power) s. Genomes: 4x10 (9th power).
Technology: exponentiating- fossil fuels/nuclear weapons/organized warfare/environmental pollution.
Culture: ~200 nation states~6(-) global powers: cultural and technological homogeneity underway.
Prepartum/postpartum: 0.21 [18]
Individual/communal:  0.31 [17]
Artistic/technological: 0.14 [11]
Probability of survival (per 100 years): 40%
To this report I would personally add;

“Subject creatures appear to be in a state of mass hypnosis, which their video-transmission technology constantly reinforces.  This hypnosis has rendered them functionally unintelligent for the most part, as compared with their true mental potentials.  Although born geniuses, these beings do not yet, as a majority, value the expansion of consciousness or even of mind, and are preoccupied instead with the insecure acquisition of material objects.  They use a fixation upon material objects as an emotional escape, from approaching self-destruction.  Humans have come to value appearance over substance, and arbitrary “fashion”, (ego) rather than true excellence.  They do this rather than adopting those evolutionary objectives which have always existed in nature.  Humanity has thus forgotten the true purpose of life, causing a collective insanity that pushes them to the brink of planetary suicide”.  

I give fewer odds than those above, for the survival of the majority of humanity in this century, or even in the coming few decades, if current social trends continue.  Only a wholesale embrace of truth by the human species will actually reverse these trends.  This means that we shall have to drop being “patriots”, or the members of nations, cultures and belief systems, in favor of living the larger REALITY.  

The person identified with his or her own consciousness neither needs nor desires to be told how to live well.  They KNOW already.  Spiritual, mental and physical self-sufficiency, combined with a natural and simple lifestyle, becomes the daily norm for the self realized. 

The holding of galactic wisdom AS CONSCIOUSNESS, must be the highest attribute to which the average adult is expected to aspire.  In this they may truly be called, “a productive member of society”.

Recommended further reading;  “Software for the Mind” series in the The World Mind Society Library (http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest)

Matthew Webb


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