The World Mind Society 
Newsletter 11-0214

Greetings WMS readers,

This latest Newsletter is a continuation on our previous discussion regarding spiritual Mastery, as well as the mastery of intent.  We also spoke of love, inertia, the chakras, psychic effects and how the human body is likened to a psychic radio tower, that constantly sends and receives information as we interact with our environment.  Feel free to join in these lively discussions, held every day on the New Civilization Network via http://www.newciv.org/wms/.

Visit our free Library at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest as an unparalleled source of information on sane living, consciousness expansion, the increase of intelligence and wisdom, social revolution and countless other pertinent topics.

Your questions and comments are always welcome.

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com


Sandi comments;

Hi Matthew,

I would like to continue our discussion on Becoming a Master by using the “criteria” you pointed out in your last post.  I would like to start with #3.…..

3) “The Master is one who demonstrates that which they teach, and who can then explain the demonstration.  [Examples of such “demonstrations” might include the psychic projection of love and clarity to others, the daily expression of high intent, alignment with God and Nature, the ability to speak clearly about the essence of reality, the practical presentation of steps humanity could take to become enlightened, and avert its own self destruction, etc.]”

Let us discuss how you would psychically  project love and clarity to others.  Are there actually principles, guidelines or rules you would follow?   Thanks…..


Dear Sandi,

Asking these questions opens up a great many doors for the exploration of consciousness, and what it is to be a Master.  Thank you for asking them. 

First of all, let’s be clear about the fact that rendering of this kind of psychic influence on others is not at all uncommon.  When people are in love with each other, there is a strong and clear psychic connection between them.  Everyone has felt love and/or affection at one time or another, as a clearly discernable sensation in the body.  If we were to explain how this occurs in terms of physics, it would be accurate to say that feelings travel from person to person in the form of streaming subatomic particles.  In this case these particles are directed through the INTENT of love, and it’s vibration, (the feeling).  The intent of love toward another is ideally one of extending the best possible benefit and deep appreciation.  Such love can be strong or weak, of a very high vibration, or more casual.  It can exist between friends, lovers, co-workers, in spiritual fellowship and between a pet animal and its human ally.  In all of these examples a psychic bond is formed, based on a given mutual intent.  But in most cases the exchange of loving intent is usually unconscious, and is assumed to be, “something that just happens” more than something we can INTEND INTO PLACE.  As we learn more about ourselves in meditation, it becomes clear that the way we psychically effect others need not only be on an unconscious level.  We can cause such effects very intentionally.  Such ability can be cultivated and made stronger, but this requires that we remain very aware of our feelings, how our awareness is focused and what intentions we are using.

Here is where the intent of the Master who projects love consciously, differs from the intent of the “every-day world”.  People love, but they are usually unaware that love can be consciously projected at will.  Imagine what kind of a world this could be, if modern humanity were to realize that love can be far more than merely, “something that happens”!  Imagine what kind of world this could be if it became common practice to project love to others, even in settings as casual as walking down the sidewalk while passing strangers. This we CAN do as a matter of spiritual cause, and actually create love in the world for the sake of the betterment of all.  What follows are initial steps that can be taken to accomplish this;

1)  Principle; to project a given state, (of consciousness) one must first be in that state.  If we wish to project love, or high feelings of any kind, then we must first cultivate them in ourselves so that we have something of great value to give. 

2)  Principle; self knowledge is essential for self change.  The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are to acquire any state of consciousness we wish, (including love and clarity to any degree).  This will be explained further, but for now, know that it involves intent.  When we meditate, we are gaining self knowledge.  In the Chakra Meditation, we focus on the feelings running throughout the body in detail.  These give us deep insights into our usual state of consciousness.  It even shows us our intent, which gets stored in the body, and is noticable in the form of feelings and desires. The more we remain focused on our feelings, the more we learn about ourselves…this is self knowledge.  In knowing our feelings, we learn how to change them as desired.  We can change our feelings to one of love, if we intent this to be so.  Clarity can likewise replace confusion, and high energy replace chronic fatigue.  Literally all of these qualities or states of consciousness can be intended into place, just as we can move an object from one place to another.  Intent is the key of all keys.

3)  Once we are in a “love state” or have high, positive feelings of any kind, we can then project them to others.

4)  There are specific steps that can be taken to project feelings/intent to others, beyond just letting this happen naturally.  To intentionally project something to another is a far more powerful act than doing it subconsciously, but this takes practice, self knowledge and greater self mastery.

This is what I would initially recommend to others, in order to learn this fine art and subtle science of consciousness.


Dear Matthew,

First of all thanks so much for taking the time to answer all my questions….. Look out because here come a few more…..  I am going to include parts of your last post to keep things clear and progressive.


You said:

“When people are in love with each other, there is a strong and clear psychic connection between them, in the form of streaming subatomic particles.  Naturally, these particles are directed through the INTENT of love, and it’s vibration, (feeling).  The intent of love toward another is ideally one of extending the best possible benefit and deep appreciation.  Such love can be strong or weak, of a very high vibration, or more casual.  It can exist between friends, lovers, co-workers, in spiritual fellowship and between a pet animal and its human ally….”


So in other words this is a, (although small)  group mind.  The love actually is sent back and forth, and in essence can grow strong or weaken because of the intent behind the two people’s feelings.  The purity of intent is what will determine how strong or weak the love is, and how long it retains strong feelings.  The more aware one is of this and not just taking it [love] by chance, or that love is just a magical quality outside of ourselves, the more this can be empowered to take responsibility for our state of consciousness and build on the power of intentions.  [The same is true] be it between two people or between nations. 

It is also important to see what [psychic effect] is yours and what is the other person’s intentions or “vibes”.  By being aware of this not only empowers any relationship with deep self knowledge, but also can enhance and build it, because one can see the subtleties of our intent that occur mutually. 

You also wrote:

Here is where the intent of the Master who projects love consciously, differs from the intent of the “every-day world”. …  Imagine what would happen if it became common practice to project love to others, as a matter of spiritual cause, and actually create it in the world for the sake of the betterment of all? …


Yes, now I “See” that if you are aware of your intentions and direct them, purify them, raise them to the highest benefit for all, then and only then can the path of Mastery be taken.  People today are so busy making money to survive, (far more money than they actually need for things, [material objects] that do nothing to enhance their soulic missions or journey). People do not even bother to look at the intentions behind what they do with their lives, and the meaning or lack of meaning behind it, never mind intentionally projecting love to enlighten or raise the world’s consciousness.  I see why this is not common dialogue, as it is just too far removed from what is the status quo. 

It truly is an upside down world.  The work or career that people revolve their lives around should be like a hobby, one that is just a means toward a greater end.  But most look at their spiritual practice in that way, even though it is something that has the potential to change the world and save our species.


I want to talk about the steps that you wrote about in your lasts post, but first I ask that we digress a bit.  Let’s first talk of the Chakra Meditation, and the employment of intent.  I have been doing the meditation and found it both useful, progressive and insightful.  What I also have found is that if I have a given feeling or state in a chakra, and I change it by employing the 4 steps of intent, this may not last very long.  I find that the next time I do the meditation, I am still working on the same chakra with just about the same state that I began with.  Is this usual?  How long can it take to actually change a given state [of consciousness] within a chakra?  I feel it necessary to address this before talking about the steps to for projecting high feeling out into the world.  Because your very first step says: “ to project a given state, (of consciousness) one must first be in that state”  If  I am not holding that state very long, then how can I project it?…so I do apologize, but I feel that addressing such things is important.

I do look forward to your response…this is so exciting, actual and practical ways to enhance my spirit and spiritual cause….most unique to say the least.

Love to all,


Hello again Sandi,

Yes, two people in love is really a small group mind.  A group mind after all, is just two or more members of like focus and vibration, (intent).  In the case of love, common intent causes what is called, in radio technology, a “resonance” of feeling between two “emitters”.  Our bodies are effectively broadcasting and receiving antennas, (transceivers) which constantly send out various feelings into the surrounding fields of particles, (unified field).   One way of describing a feeling is to call it a “vibration” or in other words a “frequency”.  Everyone knows that when two radios are tuned to the same frequency, communication is possible.  Exactly the same natural law, (of resonance) is true of human beings, and in fact, all life forms.  Each of our feelings is a frequency upon which we radiate information to others constantly, and from which we receive information via the environment.  Such natural laws account for psychic influences of all kinds, making them possible.  The comparison of radio technology to this natural [psychic] phenomena of connectedness we all experience, helps us understand consciousness, and how we may gain greater mastery of it.

You’re right in that a “purity” of intent is what makes love weak or strong in most cases.  When we compare feelings to frequencies, it may also be said that Intent forms the purpose and reason for our “broadcast”.  While feelings color our psychic effects upon others, it is our intent which determines what the purpose of those effects are going to be.  For instance, a selfish intention of “love” might be projecting good feelings at another just for the sake of controlling them.  A pure intention would be to extend love to them out of sheer appreciation and the desire to benefit them in the highest way.  The first example is more common, while the latter is spiritual ministry.  Then there are mixtures of the two, as a whole range of “purity of intent” is possible.  This is a crude example, but it conveys the point. This is why the spiritual practitioner aims to know and purify their intentions, away from ego concerns and objectives, toward those cause objectives such as universal benefit for all, which is more akin to that of a Master.  Such knowledge as you pointed out, can be employed with others in groups for incredible mutual benefit.  This is a large part of the concept behind our Global Group Mind Meditations….the projection of pure and beneficial intent to each other and the world.

Of all the proposed solutions for the modern world’s ills, I would say that a shift of intent worldwide, is the surest path for human transformation.  Not only is the Intent of the Master the Mastery of intent, but also, the intent of any person is the key consideration in their lives in the accomplishment of anything.  If only people would understand this, they could then embark on an inner journey of consciousness expansion, with emphasis upon their intent, with the greatest enthusiasm.  Of course, they must first extricate themselves from a world society that values only the superficial accumulation of money and material objects, in order to fully engage the spiritual process of self and planetary evolution.  Simple living is important for this reason. This is what is known as “being in the world but not of it”. 

You asked “How long can it take to actually change a given state within a chakra? “  First let me briefly clarify what a chakra is for some of our readers.  It is an energy center of the body, as originally referred to in the ancient Vedic texts of India.  The “Chakra Meditation” is so named, because as we meditate on the feelings in the body, we begin to notice concentrations of feeling and energy as they run along the spine, and centered in such areas as the heart.  These are the chakras.  They are important for many reasons, but one is that the chakras are major input-output portals for psychic energy.  They are the main “radiation points” for our body-antenna.  There is much we can learn by observing how our chakras feel when interacting with others, or the environment in general.  Anyone who doubts that chakras exist or that they are psychically active, need only observe their feelings closely when interacting with others.  Compare the feelings involved with strong agreement and strong disagreement for instance, to See this clearly.

In answer to your question then, the change of intent, (and the feelings which correspond with it) in a chakra or anywhere in the body, can take some time.  This is due to the natural law of inertia, which says, “that which is moving tends to stay moving, and that which is still tends to stay still”.  Just like an object rolling downhill and which therefore has inertia, the body displays inertia in the form of lasting feelings.  In other words, the body feels a given way simply because it has done so consistently in the past.  Yes, our feelings and intentions have inertia, which is by the way, what karma is all about.  In any case, to offset this inertia, we need to apply equal or greater force, (intent) to offset old intentions and feelings from the past.  Simply persist.  The new inertia you are setting up as you meditate, in the creation of elevated consciousness throughout your being, will take hold.  Just give it a chance to offset old patterns…

Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com
The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest


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