The World Mind Society 
Newsletter  11-0207

Dear WMS readership;

The theme of this issue is an exploration of spiritual Mastery, as well as what the self really is. 

The following are some edited excerpts from recent conversations between myself and other WMS members.  These discussions were had on our Raising the World Mind “work group” on the New Civilization Network.  Accessible at  http://www.newciv.org/wms/   all of you are invited to participate. 

For those of you who are new to our international organization, you may not yet have realized the full purpose of the World Mind Society.  Our major purpose is to aid in the expansion of consciousness of every human being, and also, society as a collective entity.  Since we are in fact consciousness, to expand this essence of self is to find real personal improvement in the most fundamental and progressive sense.  When a practitioner expands their consciousness to a given degree, it is then that they can call themselves a Master, much like a Christ or a Buddha, yet with distinctive qualities and spiritual approaches all their own.  Beyond mere self mastery, when the self gains Mastery it then become like a beacon of reason, love and clarity to the world. This is a cosmic process, and is part of the goal of planetary evolution anywhere in the universe.  When it is achieved on a planet-wide basis, the species so accomplished is completely transformed, and their lives as a culture forever improved beyond measure. 

These were parts of our recent conversations;

“M” asked;

My question is...when do you start calling yourself a Master? or do you wait until others think of you as a Master? 



Traditionally, that depended a great deal on the standards of the culture in which a person lived.  In many places a master was and still is, considered to be someone who has devoted their lives to a given spiritual practice for a given length of time, and thereby has received the notoriety of their peers.  But this is not the definition of a Master which the WMS uses.  By the WMS definition, a Master is someone who has gained very specific abilities according to what one might call "a cosmic standard" rather than a cultural, (human) one.

Specifically, I would say that one can call themselves a Master when they have achieved the following criteria;

1) They have transcended all the limitations of culture, nationality, religion and social norms of their day, in favor of that which is universal.  They then work for the common good of all people.  The Master uses cosmic standards such as those found in nature, (rather than society) which are both timeless and eternally pertinent.

2) As spiritual practitioners, (those who live their practice daily, and not in theory) the Master is someone imminently qualified to advise others along the spiritual path, due to their extensive personal experience.  They are able to explain in depth the essence of truth, and how that applies to all aspects of spiritual development.  [Such an ability has very little to do with book learning, and everything to do with ACTION]

3) The Master is one who demonstrates that which they teach, and who can then explain the demonstration.  [Examples of such “demonstrations” might include the psychic projection of love and clarity to others, the daily expression of high intent, alignment with God and Nature, the ability to speak clearly about the essence of reality, the practical presentation of steps humanity could take to become enlightened, and avert its own self destruction, etc.]

4) The Master stands for all humanity and in fact all life, without the interfering biases of a given belief system, which is implicitly narrowing and limiting.  [this means the Master is beyond ALL religions, rituals, specific philosophies, governments, ethnic backgrounds, and traditions of all kinds, in favor of the direct perception of truth, and subsequent right action based upon it.]

5) The Master advocates spiritual attainment and values based upon the universal.  They do not seek followers, but spiritual partners, (as equals) who will one day gain an even higher level of spiritual practice and realization, than they themselves have gained.  Never does a true Master say, "I am the ONLY way", but instead speaks of the undying truth whereby, through a number of approaches, practitioners may find their own self evolving enlightenment.  The Master is not interested in hierarchical structures for social or spiritual organization.   Again, they seek the self realization of all persons, as cosmic equals,  (souls/centers of consciousness).

6)  The Master advocates the greater refinement of all areas of one's being, from mind and body to soul.  They also advocate the greater refinement of society as a collective human endeavor, and for the sake of planetary enlightenment.

7)  The Master values truth above all else, and advocates it as the foremost guide to living.


Second conversation………

Sandi  begins by saying;

Hi to all...I have been reading the Perpetual Raising Series and would like to ask Matt, (and others) a few questions. 

My first question has to do with becoming a Master and about Self Realization. Could 
you explain exactly what you mean by Self Realization?...What is the true nature of 
self? How does one become more aware and of this, and therefore, more self realized? 



Needless to say Sandi, you've asked some very pertinent questions. I will address them 
briefly here, as space permits. 

First, a Master is a person who has traveled the spiritual path in life extensively, and has reached a certain "Cosmic Minimum" you could say, of self awareness/realization. Anyone can become a Master, so long as they are diligent enough in their spiritual 
practice. Although some practices are more effective than others, all paths will lead 
to Mastery if the right INTENT is used. Intent is therefore the key consideration in Mastery and life in general.

A Master is someone able to both perform and accurately convey their spiritual teachings. They are a living example of truth and spiritual realization. Christ and Buddha are examples of High Masters of great self realization, and  are representative of a given level of self realization and refinement. [It is most unfortunate that people today assume that Mastery is beyond their reach, and that they need the intercession of Masters or other entities to progress along their path.  I’m not suggesting that a High being’s advice cannot be useful, but what I am suggesting is that people should make more effort to become Masters themselves rather than following blindly the words of those who have come before.  This CAN be done by ANY person, so long as strong spiritual focus and the holding of truth as the first priority in life, forms the basis of one’s daily reality.]

Intent is the very center and essence of our being, as centers of consciousness.  This is why “the Intent of the Master is the mastery of Intent“.  The master of intent is a Master indeed, so long as they recognize also the intent of God, (the universe of consciousness/natural laws)..

The question of "What is a Master?" leads directly into "What is self and self 
realization?" Let us first speak of what self is not, to clear away some confusion, 
(or perhaps create more, for some, for the time being). Self is NOT one's thoughts or 
memories. This is true because these are something we DO and learn, not something 
that we actually ARE. The singer is not just their songs, any more than the 
carpenter the houses they build. The creator is much more than any one created 
thing, in other words. So it is with our thoughts, memories and egos based upon 
them.  Our thoughts and personalities change, but the fact that we are consciousness never changes.

We are in fact the CONSCIOUSNESS behind the words and memories in the mind. In 
meditation we see that this is true. In the WMS material, it is clearly shown that 
we are consciousness, and that it is composed of three things...Intent, Awareness and Energy. 

We may have certain thoughts about ourselves, but these are at best, only 
descriptions of self, just as is a poem written about a tree or a coastline. But 
these are not “self“, any more than words can accurately convey "tree". 

But if we look behind our thoughts to the thought maker, (intent and awareness) then 
we see the true self. This is a large part of self realization, and therefore it is 
also a large part of what it is to become a Master. All of this is explained in 
further detail in the Perpetual Raising series in the WMS Library 
http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest   See also The Lessons of the Soul series.

When we realize we are more than the limitations of thoughts or memories, our 
true personal power has a chance to grow and shine.... 


Sandi continues….

Hi Matt,

I thank you so much for your most informative reply.  Your response sparked a whole new set of questions, therefore I am going to go through your post and either continue the discussion and/or ask more questions…..

I had planned to ask you about so called “limitations” in the physical that may inhibit one’s potential to be a Master, but as I was contemplating such questions, I began realizing that all our limitations are put into our belief systems.  The society we live in encourages dependency, and would have us believe we are our thoughts and memories.  If our true self is Awareness, Intent and Energy, then our potential is truly unlimited.  If we were taught this from early on through education, parenting, the media, peers, etc this would truly be a different world.  If there was in fact no worship of material objects, no pills/medications to relieve pain, no arbitrary schedules to follow, no need for outside education, because of our own yearning for knowledge and self study,, (this list goes on and on), the world would truly be transformed...  I guess what I am saying is that, if we truly stayed close to our natural and true selves, as the “creator” (consciousness) rather than the “created,  (thoughts, memories), then we would no longer have any need of rigid social rules. I do see the merit of your words. 

Ok Matt, my question now is, “how does this relate to my daily life”?  How do I live this in my day to day activities in a practical way? 

Again I thank you for your reply….


Again, fine questions.  How the WMS information relates in a practical way to daily life is very relevant.  In my view, when a spiritual practice or philosophy of any kind is not practical, then it is not a valid system.  This is so because truth is a real and substantial thing.  To apply something real, requires equally real action.  Action can of course be internal, external or both, but whatever form that action takes, it is a practical one that renders genuine effects.

In the case of self realization which we talked about previously, this too must be seen as a practical endeavor.  To really see yourself as you are, rather than how society has trained us all to be, (as in being a “job description” or other social label) one must have some form of self reflection.  Ideally, this means taking up meditation.  But even if you don’t meditate, you can be aware of yourself through careful observation, during all daily activities.  By observing ourselves closely we learn what our motives are, (intent) as well as our patterns of thought and emotion, (what we do).  A principle is;  “That which is known is made easier to change, that which is unknown is difficult to change”.  A known self can be changed at will.  This is especially true when personal motives are clearly seen.  Motive, (motive force) by the way, is what intent is…

So in making an honest study of ourselves, we learn about our inner workings, even at the physical level.  In meditation it is fairly easy to see that behind our thoughts there is something there which “watches” those thoughts go by.  It also watches the feelings in our body and other people.  This “Watcher” is known as “awareness”.  When the watcher learns to watch itself, we gain clarity.  The more this watcher is aware of itself, (or in other words, awareness curving back upon itself rather than to thoughts) the more we gain clarity.  This is a cumulative process.  It is also an ideal path for self knowledge.  [See the “Advanced Chakra Meditation in the Perpetual Raising series, Part 4]

With greater clarity we can also clearly see the energy and intent that we are.  These three elements, Intent, awareness and energy form the true self, behind words, egos and images.  Watching the watcher within is a good place to start, both in meditation, and during daily activities.  It is then that the “creator” within is seen, as an alternative to just focusing on what we want to do or create or an external basis.  True self refinement is then made readily accessible through greater clarity.

I recommend the WMS “Chakra Meditation” as a starting practice of meditation.  See the WMS Library, (Perpetual Raising) at http://www.eoni.com/~vision quest  [ attachment..]



Hi Matt…

The insights and the questions go on and on…

I’ve been experimenting with awareness, energy and intent, and have been observing the world and myself through this for the last few days.  Staying in my consciousness this way, I notice that all bodily feelings can be clearly Seen as to their source and reason.  I notice subtle changes throughout my body as I go about my day and do different things.  For example, I feel differently when I am alone as opposed to when I am in a grocery store or library.  I can actually “feel” the “vibes” that I pick up everywhere.  This is giving me a completely new and different aspect about “self“.  You have said in your writings that the body is an, [psychic/spiritual] antenna, and I am seeing the truth of this in my daily activities.

I ‘m also “Seeing” it is important to realize what is of my own doing, so to speak, and what is coming from outside sources.  I  notice an “undercurrent” of feeling running from person to person almost constantly.   There is often a subtle feeling of fear or tension, and sometimes I feel it outside my aura.  Sometimes it is throughout my body.  Could this be from the World Mind that you speak of?  I have many more questions but I will save them for a later time..again thanks for any response.



Yes, the feelings in the body are an excellent indicator of many things, from our state of consciousness, to psychic influences in the environment.  That’s why the Chakra Meditation, [see attachment] I mentioned before is so relevant.   It puts us into direct awareness with the subtle feeling shifts within, and therefore to a whole new world of information that is not accessed by the average person. 

You mentioned that you feel differently in a library or store as opposed to being alone, and for psychic reasons.  Yes, the states of consciousness of those around us constantly impact our feelings, (and thoughts also) even when they are at a great physical distance.  This is especially true of those we know best, because our psychic connections with them are the strongest.  This is also why group meditations or prayer meetings can be so powerful. 

A psychic connection is really a stream of subatomic energy which travels from one body/mind to the next.  That stream is given character by the emotional state which produced it…  Such character can be defined in terms of vibration, (type of feeling) and also intent, which gives the stream its purpose and parameter.  Knowledge of intent as a matter of fact, is the key to both sending and receiving psychic emanations.  [Our intent determines what kind of “vibes” we are sending forth] People do this all the time, and it is impossible not to emanate some kind of psychic impulse, given that this level of matter/energy, (subatomic particles) is a very permeable medium, 

We are surrounded by a subatomic ocean of waves and particles.  Every thought, emotion and intent is constantly sent forth from each of us, to mingle with those being produced by others on the “unified field“.  The constant psychic emanation of people from around the world, is precisely what causes the global consciousness phenomena we know of as The World Mind.  Thus the name of this organization.  The state of consciousness of the World Mind profoundly effects our daily mood, thought pattern, sleep pattern and energy level.  Knowing this can free one from any negative World Mind effects, such as strong fear.  This is especially true if we learn to employ our intent successfully.

Yes you are correct also, that we ARE constantly influenced by the feelings, thoughts and intent of others.  Anyone who doubts this need only remember the sensations involved with public speaking, [or attending a stadium sporting event] to know it is true.  It is very important to realize what feelings, thoughts and intentions are of our own creation, and which are not.  [see the Group Mind series in the Library] The Chakra Meditation and others like it are an excellent aid to self knowledge, for these reasons and others..



Dear Matthew,

Again thank you for your reply…it is most helpful and most thought/awareness provoking.

To put this into the perspective of daily living, it is a good and necessary practice to stay in the “watcher” [awareness of awareness] so to speak.  To observe life and activities in this way gives one more clarity.  This takes focus and a true realization of what we truly are, [consciousness] and not what we are believed to be, [thoughts].  My observations of being in the watcher is that, in this state one can be the most objective.  Without the false labels and beliefs of the socially trained mind, one can discern truly what is going on around them.  One’s clarity truly becomes clearer and clearer.  It is soon easier to know where, and from whom,  emanations (“vibes”) are coming from.  When I do this I notice all these things…greater clarity, more objectivity and realization of truth.  I have to admit it takes, at this point in my progression, supreme focus to stay in this “watcher” and not let thoughts or feelings sway me.  I am constantly “calling” myself back to this state of awareness of awareness.   I see the importance of this over all else.  I just wonder how many others will take the time to see the importance of this and therefore, apply it in their daily lives.  At this point, my clarity tells me, “not many and not nearly enough” to make a global difference.

Most appreciatively,



Like the Buddhist practice of “mindfulness”, staying in the Watcher as we have been referring to should indeed be a moment to moment practice.  To stay in our Watcher, or awareness itself, is part of what self realization is all about.  This sounds too simple to many people to be very important, but very often it is the most simple of life’s details that are the most meaningful.  The Chakra Meditation I mentioned allows access to such self realization by ;

1) getting interfering thoughts out of the way, long enough to see what the difference is between what we are doing and what we are,


2) getting the practitioner in touch with their true nature, [consciousness] part of which is awareness itself.  This allows a person to re-identify themselves, away from cultural norms which are clearly destructive, and toward that with which they were born, (consciousness/the soul) and which can be used for great accomplishments.

Much of the modern world’s problems are only becoming worse because people mistakenly think that “self” is just the thoughts they have.  But “self” is not our thoughts…these are something we DO, not something we ARE.  The potter is more than the clay pots they spin.  The artist is far more than any one painting. Likewise, we are far more than any one thought.  We are in fact the potential creator of any thought.  Just because we can think a given thing does not mean we are that thing…such as we are not a job description just because we often think in terms of our daily occupation.  If we change jobs, does this change our essential self identity?  No. It only means the real self has had a change of actions.  The same is true of any change of thoughts.

Neither are we our memories for the same reason, just as a computer is more than any one software program. I explain this in detail in the Software for the Mind series in the WMS Library.  In meditation we come to fully realize that we are the maker of thoughts and feelings, as well as the keeper of memories.  But the librarian never makes the mistake of thinking that they are the books, (memories) they file away.  Neither should we imagine that our real self can possibly be described in the small terms of personal experience, or nationality, occupation, religion, philosophy or culture. 

As a matter of fact, the more self realized a person becomes, the more they understand that the beliefs of our upbringing are almost always limitations to be overcome, rather than legitimate guides for living.  Until the people of the world realize this fact fully, there will be no peace, true prosperity or domestic tranquility, since everyone imagines that all these memorized “differences” of race culture, nationality and religion are reasons for warfare.  They are not reasons for warfare, because all such distinctions are false, shallow and entirely learned behavior.  What is NOT learned behavior is the Consciousness that the self really is, as composed of Intent, Awareness and Energy.  By identifying with awareness itself, as you mentioned Sandi, we are each enabled to go well beyond the programmed limitations of culture to find what is universal in us all.  Upon this universality of consciousness will humanity find its true roots, real power and true peace, but not before.  This is the truth of existence, and of our lives.  Its implications are immense.

Naturally, to merely read these words on a page is not the same as fully seeing their truth first hand.  Thus the need for meditation.  Never the less, it is useful to speak of consciousness in detail. 

Enlightenment is not a mysterious or far away thing, which the average person should see as beyond their reach.  On the contrary, it is well within everyone’s reach, if only they will take the time and intent to see the self for what it is, (and what it is not).  Self knowledge is key to this undertaking, and there is nothing in life which has more importance.

Love and Clarity,
Matthew Webb
The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest


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