The World Mind Society
Newsletter 10-0221

On a Personal Note;

I offer thanks to each of you who have recently joined the World Mind Society, in the last several days.  Your implied interest and dedication to important issues in life is very refreshing.  May our spirit of social and spiritual transformation never be diminished, as we discuss the very purpose of life itself.

What we are about to embark upon in this latest round of WMS mailings, is a journey through truth.  This journey takes great courage to embrace.  It takes even more courage to manifest.  But the issue of courage aside, those with clarity know that truthful solutions to the world’s ills must be accomplished. I say this because the Truth is a demanding medium, one that does not bend for the sake of any one persons’ whims or desires.  Truth requires that WE change, and never does spiritual practice or right living imply that truth will change for us.  Our task then, as spiritual practitioners, revolutionaries and thinkers, is to examine life with a questioning eye, an honest mind, a loving heart and a flexible life, so that we may see and embrace the truth in its full scope.  Nothing in life matters besides the truth, and it is the only focus worthy of our attention day to day, as conscious beings.

Presenting the truth to the modern world is a daunting task, and not for the weak at heart.  Many of you already know this all too well.  Truth is shunned largely because of the social belief that our feelings are far more important than are the facts at hand, regarding any question.  For instance, if one were to publicly ask, “What is the effect of a consumerist lifestyle on the environment?”, most people would not quote facts or studies…they would indicate one way or another, whether or not they liked the question. The same is true of almost all modern issues and their associated questions.  This shows how humanity has gone far astray from the truth in our everyday routines.  It is clear that the majority in modern society willingly devote their lives and daily activities to untrue, unnatural ends. The modern goals of industry and material “luxury” do not represent universal purposes, nor the real improvement of living life.  Only an inner development of self creates lasting satisfaction.  Only a truthful, spiritual life focus can provide us with a meaningful existence, one that is filled with vitality and useful purpose. It is the very lack of spiritual and truthful focus today, that is the source of all our ills. Our species is imperiled by its own lack of concern for honest fact, with great preference given to whimsical desire.  Any television commercial makes this point rather nicely.  Thus, there is an increasing gulf between what we want to believe and what really is.  We can each observe the increasing evidence of this month by month, as the focus of society encourages people to become more dependant rather than more empowered.  As viewers we are increasingly drawn into a mental world designed not by reality, but by the images of advertising and mediocrity on the television.  It is my task as one who Sees Truth clearly to demonstrate these facts to you, through a variety of means.  It is also my task to offer sound, logical and effective ways in which our species can be completely transformed, so that it can return itself to the non-TV reality.

Years of special meditational practices have expanded my consciousness.  The nature of truth and how it can be effectively applied has been clearly revealed.  It is my sincerest desire to convey such practices and essence fully, to anyone who will listen.  What I’m speaking of is of Cosmic relevance, and is not personal.  This Knowledge is not of my own creation, and although I’ve improvised certain techniques to realize and embody it,  the Knowledge will remain impersonal. 

Wisdom is as much a science as it is mystical experience.  The degree of wisdom in our lives is proportional to the degree we emphasize truth on a daily basis.

Such universal Knowledge existed eons before my current life, and it will exist eons after this physical body is long gone from the world. 

Given impartial, universal Knowledge, the fear of physical death is known to be based on ignorance. 

I am merely a reporter therefore, of this Cosmic Good News.  I am a truth bearer seeking to catalyze other truth bearers into finding their Cosmic potential as souls, (centers of consciousness in bodies).  In other words, I seek only the best benefit for each of you, and for humanity in general.  Universal knowledge goes FAR beyond mere nations, even further than human-accumulated information throughout all of history.

Through this Knowledge you will, via earnest application, gain various psychic powers, universal insights, enhanced connection with That which is called God and Nature.  You will find greatly increased health, clarity of mind, and extended lifespan, increased intelligence and wisdom.  You will gain both the enhanced ability and desire to aid others as souls, and to offer humanity REAL solutions for ALL modern ills. Those who are the most courageous of all, will become spiritual Masters through Knowledge of consciousness and truth, such as those written of in all the ancient and holy texts, of all the world’s religions. 

I ask nothing from you for conveying this, other than a certain attentiveness, seriousness, inquisitiveness and a progressive intent.  The inherent rewards of conveying truth and spiritual practice based upon it, are more than enough compensation.

Unfortunately, on this particular occasion the message of truth will have to be delivered to you through the clumsy medium of written words, [and sometimes through psychic projection, (intent) as well].  I will explain all this in detail, and in time.  I don’t expect anyone to necessarily accept what I am going to say using faith or speculation.  The World Mind Society message has nothing to do with speculation, nor is it in any way faith based.  For what use is faith after all, when one Sees the subject in question with perfect clarity?    What is the point in engaging speculation when facts become self evident?

I prefer that you strongly question all of these messages with an open mind, through honest debate and observation.  I’m well prepared to fully and logically debate any of my assertions.  But I assure you that what I have to say is based directly on clear perception, and indeed, clarity itself.  To get this message across, I must compete with the unquestioned pillars of society…television, government and religion, and in that order of importance, to convey what must be conveyed to the world.  For this reason I will often speak of the considerable folly of each of these institutions, for the sole purpose of propelling each person beyond the limitations that they would otherwise impose upon us.  All of these sources of social guidance are seriously flawed today, due to an ignorance of, and disregard for, the Truth. 

I ask that you have patience with these newsletters, occasional article and messages that are given.  I mentioned that this will require courage and a large helping of honesty, in order to be something of value to each reader.  I meant that, and believe it or not, I mean everything else I say as equally literal, self-demonstrable and matter-of-fact. I’m going to be strongly criticizing government policy, the media, religious doctrines and the very foundational values of this society, in order to say what must be said.  I will do this because these institutions are standing directly in the path of truth, and are a stumbling block to any given persons’ enlightenment.  Give this message a chance, just as any jury gives every opportunity for the entire evidence to be presented, before you write back and say, “take me off your list”.  Give me this opportunity to present my case, for it is an extensive one that takes time to fully convey.  Everything I have to say can and will be validated by your own personal experience and perception.  Yet, this usually takes some time for each person to accomplish.  The insights gained in meditation and the self knowledge it evokes, will enable this.  Specific meditational practices and principles will be offered that expand consciousness.  Through such mediums you will see for yourself the truth of consciousness, soul, God and truth, via enhanced clarity. 

I’ll be using certain terms like “natural laws”, “soul”, “earth mind”, “world mind“, “consciousness”, “spiritual” and “Truth”, but RARELY are these used in the same context, or with the same meaning, as you’ve been used to hearing any of them in every day life.  Allow me to clearly define all of these terms in understandable language as we proceed.

What we’re going to discuss in the course of weeks and months are, “the facts of life” at risk of sounding cliché’.  But again, I don’t mean this in the sense of what society usually means.  My words are spoken in the context of universe, soul, God, the expansion of consciousness and our purpose as human beings, in the larger scope of life.  In particular, I seek to show you the true identity of what it is to be human. 

We are for instance, not our thoughts or memories, we are consciousness itself.  As consciousness we create thoughts and feelings, (they do not create us) just as we compel the body to move from one place to another.  That true identity of self, (under a layer of memories and thoughts) is what is also known as “soul“..  The chief element of consciousness/soul is INTENT.  This is why we will speak a great deal of Intent and how it can be mastered;.  We will also speak of the other two elements of consciousness/soul which are awareness and energy.  All three of these elements can be mastered to higher and higher degrees.  When consciously employed they can actually move the practitioner upward into such levels of consciousness, even as those of Buddha, Christ and other spiritual Masters.  They can also completely shift world consciousness, or in other words, the World Mind.

The Intent of the Master is the Mastery of Intent.  This is a cosmic principle, and we will speak of it in greater detail in later issues of this newsletter.

Each of these newsletters are based in large part, upon existing articles I’ve provided on the World Mind Society  web site.  See our Library at;. http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest  There you will find a large collection of articles which can serve as your reference materials for further reading.   I strongly urge you to avail yourself of these materials which are free for the taking.  They are not copyrighted, but are instead for public use and reproduction as you see fit.  This is for one basic reason….I don’t believe the truth can, or even should be copyrighted.  I can no sooner own the words of truth than the sky can be owned by a single bird.

The World Mind Society also hosts the Global Group Mind Meditations every second and fourth Sunday of each month.  You’ll find specific references to these on the WMS cover page, as well as their associated article series, The Perpetual Raising and, Manifesting World Enlightenment.  These documents and the meditations upon which they are based, are groundbreaking in their scope, at least on this planet, at this time.  I do not believe there is a better resource than these to explain consciousness and how to employ it on an individual and group basis, for the sake of raising both self and world consciousness. Some of you are already familiar with this work, and have been WMS members before.  To you I offer a most hearty, “welcome back“.. 

Let us be ever mindful that there is not unlimited time left for humanity, to correct its errors in judgment.  I refer of course to our continued choices regarding the environment, international relations, daily routines and the socially prescribed purpose of life, (materialism versus sustainable and progressive spiritual focuses).  The pressure of reality is on, like it or not, and we can’t wait for some cosmic agency to bail us out of a global disaster-in-the-making, at the last minute of history.  In fact, our time as a species on this planet is rapidly running out.  I do not say this to unduly alarm anyone, nor should it come as a great surprise to anyone in the modern world.  Most of us have had thoughts of this type in recent times…and they are based in statistical, observable fact.  This is all the more reason that each of us must take the final opportunities for “spiritual redemption” if you will, and return ourselves to sane, natural and soulful living, while the window for action is still a clear one. To redeem ourselves in this fashion requires an honest evaluation of EVERY area of modern life, and what is commonly assumed to be true without doubt.  It also requires a definite change of lifestyle. In so doing we find that what is assumed to be true by mainstream society is not based on fact, but upon the idea that when the majority believes something, that automatically must make it so.  This attitude is a grave error in reasoning and it will not save the human race from its own peril.  Six billion people CAN be wrong.  These are the honest facts and simple truth.  We ignore the facts only at our own peril.   So let’s engage the process of our spiritual growth with all the more zeal, and for all of the above reasons.

You are reminded of the opportunity to discuss these matters directly with me and other practitioners, on the New Civilization Network, (NCN) website. They have generously provided us and others with the means to discuss in open forum, such issues as are mentioned above.  You can either join NCN in the usual way at http://www.newciv.org/ncn/ncnintro.html or you can go directly to our web page there at http://www.newciv.org/wms/  In either case, entrance can only be had by NCN members.  Look for the “Raising the World Mind” work group there, once you’ve become an NCN member.  Questions and information given can be viewed by all for mutual benefit.  That’s why it’s a good idea to have public discussions there, in the spirit of community focus.

I look forward to our future attainments together.  It is a long yet rewarding path ahead.  Regardless of the chaos and lack of sanity seen in the world today, we can never the less, flourish as spiritual practitioners by relying on the Truth.  By valuing truth above all else, we excel beyond all the wildest dreams of the present day.

Love and Clarity,
Matthew Webb
The World Mind Society http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest


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